Sunday, November 22, 2009


Lesson Recap!!!

family's ability to maintain calm and confidence in the middle of their hurried schedules is contingent upon the parents maintaining a healthy relationship.


1. Resist the poison of comparison

2. Make sure you understand what love requires.
-A Definition of Love:
Love is the commitment of my will to your needs and best interests, regardless of the cost.

3. Make sure you implement the 3 crucial ingredients for successful love:


4. Maintain the mandates for inner rest (see the last two weeks!).

Support verses:
Ephesians 5:25-30
Genesis 2:24-25
1 Peter 3:7b
Proverbs 31:10

Christmas Shindig!!!

Yup. Yet another reminder of the upcoming Shindig. The basics. 12/6 at the Hurt's at 5PM. Bring an appetizer. Simple enough?

Da' Poll

The poll that was emailed out last week had very little response. Out of 71 emailed out only 4 were completed. Please watch as these are resent out this week to those who haven't filled theirs out. Please respond as your responses are quite helpful. For example, someone responded that since I am a photographer these should be more photos. So in response I give you....

The Baking!!

The Concord kitchen was aglow with baking as we prepared the cookies for the college care packages. All-in-all, there were over 50 pounds of cookies made...enough for 20 2 1/2 pound boxes! We will send these out on November 30th. Photos from the event!!!!

Christmas Project

Don't forget about our box in the front of the classroom for donations to the Missouri Baptist Children's Home. We have until the 15th to fill it up!!! The list of needs can be found earlier in the blog!

Prayer Requests

-Please pray for the details of the Christmas Show. Sometimes the "little things" can take up so much precious time and mental concern.
-Pray for Kevin as he recovers from his stoke that he suffered on Thursday. He has lost more vision in both eyes, which also gives him an issue with depth perception. His speech is also affected. Thankfully, the doctors expect it all to return. Pray for healing..and a prayer of thanks that it wasn't worse.

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