Thursday, February 17, 2011

The Mid-Week Update!!!

Lesson Recap

On Sunday we continued looking at the topic of  "Does My Decision Matter" by looking at 1 Kings 16:29-22:53.

Bible In Context:
Ahab is now the new king of the northern kingdom of Israel. After previewing Ahab's reign as an evil one given over to Baal worship, the biblical writer introduces us to Elijah, whose prophetic ministry became intertwined with the lives of Ahab and his Baal worshiping wife Jezebel.  Elijah spoke in the Lord's name to say that a famine causing drought would come upon Israel.  The Lord miraculously provided for Elijah during this drought.  Then the Lord directed the prophet to go to the village of Zaraphath, where He had commanded a woman to provide for Elijah, and that Elijah would help the widow in return.  When the widow's son became ill and died, Elijah successfully prayed for the boy to be returned to life. (relates to Paul, see Acts 22:7-10).

In an effort to call the people of Israel back to the Lord, Elijah boldly challenged the prophets of Baal to a contest on Mt. Carmel. After putting to death the prophet of Baal, Elijah learns that Queen Jezebel had put a price on his head.  He fled south to the wilderness, where the Lord encouraged him concerning his ministry.
The King of Aram brought a huge army against Ahab to subjugate the norther kingdom.  Through a prophet, the Lord told Ahab the king of Aram would not succeed.  The Israelites won the war, but Ahab made a treaty with the King of Aram.  The Lord condemned Ahab for this disobedient act.
Following his wife's evil scheme Ahab confiscated the vineyard of an Israelite named Maboth by conspiring to have the man falsly accused, condemned and executed.  Elijah confronted Ahab and declared the Lord's judgment on the king and his family.

In and alliance with King Jehosaphat of Judah, Ahab led his troops against the Arameans, who were occupying a town called Ramoth-Gilead.  Ahab was killed in the battle, and his son Ahazikiah became king.  Jehosaphat reigned in Judah for 25 years, and then was succeeded by his son Jehoram.
A Hill on Which to Stand -1 Kings 18:20-19:18

We asked a few questions before getting to the lesson.  Why do our decisions matter?  Why do we take a stand on some issues (hills) but not others?  When was the last time you decided to make a stand?  What was the hill?  What was the cost?
In this lesson we discussed the prophet Elijah and the hill on which he chose to stand.  "He experience the sting of opposition to the worship of the one, true God.  In some ways, Elijah lived in a culture much like ours.  Two rival worldviews competed for dominance on ancient Israel-the worship of the Lord God on one hand, and the worship of Baal on the other.  In that chaotic context, Elijah demonstrated that those who take a bold stand for the Lord can count on His abiding presence, power and encouragement."  We looked at why Elijah chose to make a stand.  We also observed the personal cost and reward of his stand.

Choose Your Camp-18:20-21
From this point on, Israel refers to the northern kingdom, while Judah refers to the southern kingdom.  Baal is the Hebrew word given to identify the Canaanite storm god responsible for agricultural fertility and fruitfulness.  Baal worship was very popular throughout the Near East in the days of Elijah.  The god was usually symbolized by a bull, sometimes accompanied by a thunderbolt.  Baal was believed to have power over rain, wind, and clouds.  This is significant because the Hebrew people were an agrarian society, so they were very dependent upon the climate for survival.  Elijah's charge against the people was their failure to declare their allegiance to God.  The people decided to make no decision.
Trust in God's Help-18:37-39
Here Elijah asked God to perform a miracle to prove that Yahweh is the one, true God.  His faith was very important in asking God to act against Baal.
Watch For Slips-19:1-3
Elijah has just experienced perhaps the most spiritual victory in his life.  Why do you suppose fear and depression has overtaken him?  Elijah's perception was that he was standing alone, with no support.  Why do believers sometimes fail to support a Christian who is taking a bold stand for God?  What are some hills our teens might find themselves having to decide whether to stand or not?
Climb Back Up-19:13-18
Why do you think that Elijah has focused on himself in this situation?  Go assigned Elijah a task to move outside himself. (Go anoint...).  God told Elijah that he would spare 7000 who had been faithful to God.  What impact do you think that had on the prophet?
"Perhaps we just don't want to think it could happen here.  I'm referring to life-threatening persecutuon of Christians.  Jeses warned that His followers would face increasing hostility from those who oppose the gospel.  In the history of western civilization in particular, Christianity has been viewed generally in a positive light.  That view is rapidly deteriorating with the rise of aggressive multiculturalism and the new atheism.   Some influential groups would rejoice to see Christianity, with it's strong moral traditions, swept into the dustbin of history.  Increasingly, believer who take bold stands for the Lord face bitter opposition from a rival culture that considers itself morally superior, intellectually justified, and socially advanced.  We ma not want to admit it, but our current dominant culture despises the things of Christ."  Is it possible that one day you and I will be forced if this is a hill on which we stand?  If not us, what about our children?  If our children, are they prepared to make a desicion-the right decision?  What might be the cost?  The reward?

SPOT Lunch

...will be next Sunday after class.  This month it will be at Cracker Barrel at Meramec Bottom Road and I-55.  Come enjoy some vittles and fellowship! 


There will be a brief meeting after class after class on February 27th to discuss this upcoming event.  This way we can make some decisions on what to serve with the chili, etc.

The Votes Are In...

...and it looks as if once again we will be making a movie night basket for the silent auction on Trivia Night.  There will be a list forthcoming of ideas for items for us to donate to put into the basket!

Trivia Night

In addition to the basket we will be donating, don't forget to come participate in the trivia night!  It's on Saturday, March 5th.  Doors open at 6, trivia starts promptly at 7.  Soft drinks and popcorn will be provided (No alcohol allowed on the premises!).
The cost is $15 a person, or $120 per table (max 8 people per table!).  Come, have some fun, and support our youth and their mission trips!

Prayer Requests

  • Kim (Skiles) Hebenstriet has colon cancer and had surgery this past Tuesday.
  • Zenobia is having her surgery today (Thursday).
  • Pray for the church's financial situation.



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