Saturday, February 19, 2011

Zenobia Update!!!

Dear Friends and Family,

I gotta admit that waking up at 6:15a for the 2nd shower this morning was not that bad.  My friend Laura Roodman-Edwards-Roodman-Edwards-Roodman-Ray (not a typo - she marred the same crazay man twice) came to pick me up and off to the hospital we went.

First stop:  When I arrived, to my wonderful surprise Pastor Gene and his twinkly-eyed Chris met me in the parking lot.  I was hoping they weren't there to tell me that I'd been fired from my job :)  We all went to the waiting room and there they prayed for me before going into my procedures. (Thanks so much!)

Second stop:  I had a mammogram done, but they didn't mechanically flatten/squeeze/decompress/torture my boobie as much as usual..  THEN while STUCK in this machine, the doctor came over and gave me 2 shots of local anesthesia on my breast!  Yup, like I could escape even if i wanted to!  Somewhere amidst this procedure, she inserted a very thin wire(?) inside the boob, then blue dye, then another mammogram picture was taken.  Then the wire was taped down.

Third stop:  I was rolled to Nuclear Medicine.  Something about that title is just a bit scary - like a bomb was gonna be implanted or something.  The door opened and the entire room was filled with this gargantuan machine.  The area where I was to lay down was a good 20' long, and then who knows what was gonna happen to me once I was under this contraption.  I was hoping I could push a button and be "poofed" to Hawaii, but no go.  I was ready since I brought my Hawaiian shirt from Goodwill!  Instead, this very nice nuclear medicine admistering person announces that i am going to have 4, yes read FOUR shots to the boob yet again, but she would use this freezing topical spray!  i'm not sure which was worse - the below freezing topical spray spraying into my eye or the needles!  I then was instructed to hold still for 2 Five minute pictures.  I think I jerked at one point bc I snorted in my sleep :)

Fourth stop: is the time to be prepped for my surgery.  I'd say by the time I was rolled to surgery, I met 8 female nurses, techs, anesthesiologist, surgeons, etc.  And they all looked alike because they were all white, had glasses on, and wore the same designer poofy hospital cap on (just kidding :)  I was given a beautiful faded gown that had so few ties that I'm pretty sure I now have freezer burn on my back and butt from beging exposed to the temperature of the hospital!  Oh and the slippers?  One size fits all, woohoo! 

Fifth stop:  Can you even believe there were no sentinel nodes removed???  I'm not sure how much, if any, breast tissue was removed around the clip where the tumor was.  I was still very out of it when the doctor came to gives us a report.  Well, maybe I was very much under anesthesia.  Incisions hurt, thank God for Tylenol with codeine.  And now i am the proud owner of a white designer bra that velcros on the shoulders, and zips/hooks down the front.  Let me know if you ever want to borrow this thing.  Angela (wonderful friend from church and breast cancer survivor!) drove me home around 1:30p and I crawled into my clean sheeted bed.  She stayed with me til this evening making sure I remained drugged, hydrated, and rested.

Last and final stop:  I'm home, I've been resting, I ate, and now I thank you for every single prayer and thought that you sent my way.  There must have been a lot of Asian women and bald men walking around today wondering why so many people lowered their heads when they saw them :) 

You are the best!

Zenobia Perry, MMT
Music Therapist & Private piano instructor

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