Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Mid-Week Update!!!

Lesson Recap

This Week we continued our study in Kings and the subject "Does My Decision Matter".  We looked at 2 Kings 1:1-5:27.

Bible in Context:
     The Book of 2 Kings is a continuation of 1 Kings.  In the first five chapters a close focus is given to the prophetic ministry, especially the transition from Elijah to his understudy Elisha.
     Misdirected Prayer-1:1-18: When Ahaziah of Israel inquired of a Baal god rather pray to the Lord about a life-threatening injury, the prophet Elijah prophesied that the king would die.  His prophecy proved true.
     Miraculous Succession-2:1-25: In chapter 2 we read of Elijah's exit from the earth by being taken up on a chariot of fire.  Elisha asked for, and was granted a "double portion of Elijah's spirit.  After Elijah was gone, the writer of Kings focused on Elisha as the Lord's prophet.
     Messy Rebellion-3:1-27: Chapter 3 focuses on Elisha's role in advising King Joram of Israel concerning a revolt led by the king of Moab, who at the time was Joram's vassal.  Elisha delivered a prophecy from the Lord that Joram and his allies would successfully quell the Moabite revolt. The prophecy was fulfilled, but a drastic act of child sacrifice by the defeated king led the Israelites to withdraw from their occupation of Moab.
     Multiplied Provisions-4:1-44:   This chapter describes several incidents in which Elisha's prophetic ministry was characterized by gracious acts of compassion and miraculous provision. (verses 8-37 is an interesting section.  Remember what we discovered about the length of Biblical sections?  The longer a section the more important it was for the writer.  Look how much of chapter 4 this section takes!)
      Misunderstood Motives-5:1-27:  Naaman, an Aramean army commander, came to Israel seeking a cure for a skin disease, possibly leprosy.  The Israelite king sent him to wash in the Jordan River.  This lesson covered the rest of the story.

Greed Versus Grace   5:14-27

    An epidemic affects or tends to affect a disproportionately large group of individuals within a population.  Cholera, influenza, malaria, polio, AIDS, and H1N1 are just a few that we have heard of.  We usually reserve the word epidemic to describe disease and sickness but the definition also allows us to include societal, moral and ethical issues .  Greed would be an example of this.

     Our study centers on the live of two prophets.  They are Elisha and Gehazi.  Let's look at the characteristics of Hebrew prophets.  A common definition for a prophet is 'one who is called to speak'.   In this function prophets challenged the people and leaders to remember their covenant with God and to honor and obey Him.  The personality, skills and tenure of Hebrew prophets varied.  There are characteristics that were shared by all of them.  They are: 1) called by God, 2) received a word from God, 3) spoke the word of God, 4) relayed the message by word and deed, 5) performed miracles, 6) relayed the message in writing, 7) ministered to the people, 8) had ecstatic experiences.  Prophets rarely lived a life of ease or popularity.  While the nation of Israel and her leaders enjoyed God's favor, they detested having their sins revealed and warnings of the punishment that was sure to follow.  As a result, many of God's prophets were ignored, ridiculed, threatened, lived on the run or in hiding, or were killed.

     We see greed demonstrated by one of our main characters.  What is the difference between capitalism and greed?  How do you know when another person is greedy?  How do you know when you are being greedy?

Setting 5:1-13

Grace For Sale?  14-16 
     Elisha's refusal to accept Naaman's gifts demonstrated his gracious spirit.  This act was in character with his refusal to greet Naaman or address him prior to the healing.  The purpose was to reflect Naaman's attention and affection from the prophet to the one that did the healing...God.  What are some ways believers today can demonstrate God's gracious nature?

Profit At All Cost  20-23
     Elsiha was content to give freely to Naaman-but not so with Gahazi.  Just as Elisha use an oath formula in v16 to prevent him getting anything from Naaman-Gehazi uses an oath formula to get something from him.  The gifts Gehazi received were enough to provide a comfortable life for him.  This was a 'get rich quick' scheme, and was greedy.  We learn a lot about Gehazi in these verses.

  1. He did not understand God's grace-benevolence shown to undeserving, sinful people.
  2. He did not understand the nature of ministry-in God's name for His fame.
  3. He did not understand God's provision- trusting God to provide for our needs.
  4. He did not understand integrity-demonstrated by his need to lie to pull of this scheme.
  5. He did not understand humble submission to godly spiritual authority-by going against Elisha's example.
No Good From Greed  24-27
  Verse 24 reads a lot like Joshua 7:20-21.  Both Achan and Gehazi serve as examples of how an attitude of greed can snowball into sinful actions.   In verse 25, Gehazi has already lied to Naaman.  Now he further compromises his integrity by lying to Elisha.  Greed is a lot like sin in general-it will take you farther than you want to go, keep you longer than you want to stay, and cost you more than you want to pay.  In verse 27 the irony is that Gehazi coveted Namman's riches but instead got Naaman's disease.

     Grace can not exist where greed controls motives and actions.

Big Chill-i Dinner

This Sunday, right after class, there will be a short meeting of those helping to put this all together.  Ideas will be needed for the menu and such.  

Trivia Night

The 6th Annual Concord Youth Mission Trip Trivia Night/Silent Auction will be held at church on Saturday, March 6th.  Doors open at 6 PM, Trivia begins promptly at 7 PM.  Soft drinks and popcorn provided and you may also bring your own snacks (No alcohol allowed on premises. Cost is $15 per person or $120 for a table (limit of 8 per table.)  You can sign up in the Atrium on Sunday, or call Patti Endejan at (314) 313-1835.  As a class we are putting together a movie basket for the silent auction.  Grab an item description (they are stapled to the class bulletin board!) and help contribute!

Easter Eggstravaganza

...will be on Saturday, April 16th from 8:30 AM -11:30 AM.  There is a sign-up sheet in the SPOT folder looking for help at this great family event.  You can:
  • serve in a game room
  • serve in a craft room
  • help supervise and hide eggs for the Easter Egg hunt
  • donate a gift basket
Direct any questions to Debbie Elder or Lanny McFarland.
Baskets for Babies
The Treasure Seekers Women's Bible Study needs help in providing baskets and bags given to mom's and babies throught Hand n' Hand Pregnancy Help Center in Barnhart. Donations can be put in the hot pink envelope in the SPOT folder.  There is also a sheet with all the particulars in the folder.

  • 2/27 the Massey's
  • 3/6 the Stubbs
  • 3/13 the Robbins
  • Continued prayer for Zenobia
  • Susan Hurt's mother had surgery Monday.  They did not remove the mass they found it was not cancerous.  However, last night they put her in ICU.  There might be internal bleeding which might mean another surgery.

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