Saturday, February 13, 2010


This is a note from Lesa Stewart. If you can help her sister, we'd sure appreciate it.

My sister is in need of a twin boxsprings; she has the mattress already. She is downsizing from a loft bed to just a twin w/a headboard... If anyone has one to get rid of or knows of someone that does, please let us know,

Correspondent's Report

Reporting from the Show Me Clown conference...Just a quick blog from Springfield.  It is pretty amazing seeing all these clowns, magicians and others sharing and showing how to use their talents to further the ministry of Christ.  We have seen everything from physical comedy, magic, and many other things used to show the grace of God!  This afternoon there will be a clown parade, then everyone will go out to hospitals, nursing homes, etc.  to use their skills to share the love!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

SPOTmail Update!!!!

On February 7, we concluded our study of the "parable section" in the book of Mark. The section consisted of four parables. This week we will study a unit on "miracles." (Who knew Mark was this organized?)

Guess how many miracles are included in this unit? I can already hear you saying . . ."The real miracle will be Don covering it all in one week." I accept the challenge!

In preparation for Sunday, you will want to read Mark 4:35 - 6:6a. I think we all will be surprised at some of the insights coming out of these divine acts of Jesus. If you really want to be ready for Sunday, consider the relationship between fear and faith as you read the miracles.

Hey parents, have you taken the opportunity to go play in the snow with your teen(s)? How about challenging them to a Kids vs. Parents snow "fight"? (Is this a way to legally beat up on your kids?)

I'll want to hear all about it Sunday.

In Christ,


The kids will still be off at Big Chill on Sunday afternoon, February 21, so it sounds like a great opportunity for a SPOTlunch. We'll have our drawing this Sunday to see where in the world we're going this time!


February 14 -- the Hurts (they certainly are sweethearts)

February 21 -- Zenobia Perry (of course, she's a sweetheart too)

CSM News

• February 19-21 -- Big Chill. If your teen's not signed up, you still have time!
• February 27 -- "Bolt" Family Movie N'ight. SPOTclass may be hosting an orientation session for parents of teens looking for encouragement on Sunday mornings. Lanny will speak on intentional parenting (as compared to unintentional parents).
• February 28 -- 11th &12th grade Bible study returns to 10:30 a.m. That means some wayward SPOTparents can return to our class!
• March 6 -- Trivia Night. Get your team together -- $15 per person or special discount price of $120 for a table of eight!


If you're not checking out the SPOTblog, you are missing out on some good stuff. We have readers from the four corners of the globe looking us over, so why would you want to miss it?
Class summaries for absentees, anniversaries, birthdays, critical maps so you don't get lost on your way to a SPOTevent, and links to interesting parenting articles, as well as the latest prayer requests. Drop in at (If the globe has four corners, does that mean the Earth is flat after all?)


• Rich Conrad is having his physical exam in preparation for his overseas work. Pray that if anything needs fixing, the doctors get to the bottom of it now.
• Jeff Bradshaw's sister-in-law's mother (Sue Wyatt) will be having heart valve replacement. Pray for her surgery as she is 80 years old.
• Mike Smith's friends are getting divorced. They are in their 50's and have two grown children in their 20's.
• Linda Conrad had a silent request.
• Kevin Hurt has a new neurosurgeon that has proven to be a wealth of information and caring. He is recommending the spine surgery that the other doctors would not touch!

Don't forget your Valentine or you could end up like our students . . . at Big Chill.

God's Blessings... Mark Cotter on his birthday!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Sunday Update!!!

Lesson Recap

Today we continued looking at the parables in Mark 4. We looked at the parable of the lamp in verses 21-23, which is a parable about hiddenness. When you consider the fact that we cannot "see" without the light that is Jesus, this parable really makes sense. We must make Jesus visible and know to all!

We also considered the parable of the measures and the way people respond to the light Jesus tells us about. Rememeber...the rich become richer, and the poor become poorer!

In vesus 26-29 we saw the parable of the seed cast upon the earth....or is it the soil again? We saw tht the sower had no control over the seed after it is in the soil. At this point the seed becomes God's work as the Holy Spirit takes over.

Consider this: the only reason the parables were explained to the disciples is because they asked! Pray that we "ask" God for his explanation every time we study His word!

Super Bowl Party

The SPOT Super Bowl party was a smash success (unless you were rooting for the Colts...sorry, Don and Phil!). Everyone present had a great time. The LaRowes scored a touchdown with their graciousness in opening their home to our rowdy many thanks to Brooks and Ginger!

CSM Meeting

Jeremy and Sarah recapped what has been going on Wednesday nights at the RE:. We got to see some of the truly remarkable works that the Spirit is doing in our kids through some of the projects they have undertaken. They gave a look at what was in store for kids attending the upcoming Big Chill, as well. They also let us know what the small groups were doing, and further directions that CSM ministries will be taking. In addition, we were informed that a class has donated their classroom to CSM during the 10:30 hour. This means that ALL CSM classes on Sundays will be taking place at 10:30 starting three weeks from today!!

Trivia Night fast approaching on March 6th. Details can be found in prior blog posts or posted on the newly revamped bulletin board in the is also in the church program!

Prayer Requests

-Rich Conrad is having his physical exam in preparation for his overseas work. Pray that if anything is going on that it is detected now.

-Jeff Bradshaw's sister-in-law's mother (Sue Wyatt) will be having heart valve replacement. Pray for her surgery as she is 80 years old.

- Mike Smith's friends are getting divorced. They are in their 50's and have two grown children in their 20's

- Linda Conrad had a silent request.

- Kevin Hurt has a new neurosurgeon that has provided a wealth of information and caring. he appears to be recommending the spine surgery that the other doctors would not touch!