Saturday, July 16, 2011

Prayer Request

Dear friends,

Sharing news in an email has its pros and cons.  It can seem impersonal (con), but it's definitely more time efficient to get the same written info to lots of people (pro) here goes!  I will be repeating some info for those who already know, but new info to stay with me, please!   For those who want the details, some details are here (as you know me, that's my style), but if you need to skim, I've underlined topics, so you can jump to those! :)

My sister, Carol, was admitted to St. Clare hospital in Fenton last Saturday, July 9.  (She called me that morning asking me to take her to the ER because she nearly passed out in the shower that morning, was very pale, and not feeling well.)

Initial diagnosis:  severely anemic, with planned tests to follow since she also told them she had been experiencing some swallowing issues recently.

While in hospital she had an endoscopy and colonoscopy on Monday, July 11.  The colonoscopy was clear, but the surgeon saw what she believed to be a malignant tumor in the esophagus.  A biopsy was taken and then a cat scan was taken of her trunk area, in which they found 2 lesions on her liver.  The liver was then biopsied.  They also took an MRI of her head, which turned out to be negative.

The endoscopy surgeon was so positive upon seeing the tumor that an oncology team and surgeon were called into place.  We saw the oncologist 2 times while in the hospital discussing the possibilities, and the 3rd time we saw them on Thursday (her last day in hospital), they confirmed that everything was malignant....esophagus and liver both had the same kind of cancer cells.

Confirmed diagnosis:  Carol has gastro-esophageal cancer with an 8 cm tumor that started with adeno-carcinoma cells where the esophagus meets the stomach.  There is a smaller malignant tumor located further up the esophagus, and the 2 spots on the liver (4 cm and 2.3 cm).  It is classified as Stage 4.  The doctor said it must have been there for a while.

Carol came home from the hospital on Thursday evening.

Next steps / proposed treatment:
1.  Tuesday, 7/19 Carol will have a port surgically installed (out patient surgery at St. Clare-Fenton); 8:00 am surgery time; she has to be there by 6:00 am; my sister Donna and her husband Lou (who is legally blind) will take her there and bring her back.

2.  Wednesday, 7/20 -- 3:00 pm I'll take Carol and my mom to see her oncologist (Dr. Becker-Koepke) for her first office visit with her.  She should receive a schedule for the upcoming chemo treatment plan and talk about more information.  At this point they are not doing any surgery to remove the cancer...just treating with chemo.

Other matters:
Besides this yucky news, Carol had lost her job last November and currently has no health insurance.  She lives with our mom (age 93) who no longer drives.  Carol, however, has never smoked or drank and has been an avid Jazzersizer for nearly 20 years!  The doctor said she should get back to Jazzercise as soon as she feels up to it.  Those things are on her side.  Even more than that, she is a child of the King, and that's the best part of all.  We are approaching it with a positive attitude (as Carol says...."she's got her pink fighting gloves on", and we love this quote from a fellow believer:  "God specializes in the impossible."  Mark 10:27 says "With God all things are possible.")  However, there will be need for lots of support.....prayers, love, cards, calls, laughter (yes, send those jokes and comics--her favorite is Garfield), lots of encouragement, and financial.  Our family will be supporting her and helping her navigate through everything, so if you know of anything at all that may help, please let us know.  (I have already received some great ideas.)

Carol's home address:  2946 Caspian Lane, St. Louis, MO 63125
Carol's email:

We know that every person knows someone who either has cancer, has gone through cancer, or who has lost a battle to cancer.  It is everywhere!  Not everyone knows Carol up close and personal, and it may not mean as much to you...but we will covet your prayers and other things if you are able to help either directly or indirectly as you feel led. 

I know there will be some things put together in the future to help raise some money for the expensive chemo treatments, as well as a caring website to keep people informed of her situation and where you can post words of encouragement.  For now, I'm planning a garage sale at my house on Wed. August 3.  If you have anything you'd like to donate, please let me know.

Thanks for your "listening" ears.

Linda & Rich Conrad

Friday, July 15, 2011

Lesson Preview!!!

Have you ever had an occasion to see chickens in a pen get all excited over nothing? It's one of the funniest things you'll ever see!

One chicken can see something benign like a shadow and start freaking out.  Get ready for the fun is about to start.  Almost immediately a second then third chicken joins the panic.  In a matter of seconds the entire pen is scene of chaos.  Over what?  A shadow!  What caused the panic; ignorance, boredom, etc.?

I do not have experience with sheep but what I have heard and read indicates they are not too different from chickens.  They too have a tendency to easily panic.  Now that I think about it - didn't Jesus compare humans to sheep?  Quick recall leads me to agree that we humans do have a quick trigger when it comes to panic as well.

All this talk about chickens, sheep and panic has a point.  This week our study comes from 2 Thessalonians chapter 2.  The study title is - You Can Stay Calm.  We'll see how the believers in Thessalonica were acting a little like chickens. 

Until then,

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

THe Mid-Week Update!!

Lesson Recap

2nd Thessalonians  1: 1-12
God's In Charge
You Can Feel Safe-Because God Is Just
This week began the beginning of our new study...that of 2nd Thessalonians. In our intro we learned that the book was written from Corinth shortly after the first letter.  Paul sent it because the first letter did not have the desired effect of dealing with problems relative to the Lord's return.  Some of the people believed Jesus' coming was so imminent that there was no point in working.  Paul wrote 2 Thessalonians to explain that certain things must happen before the return of Jesus, and to encourage them to continue with daily life.

"My life stinks," Josh complained to his friend Matt at their regular Friday breakfast meal.  He elaborated further :I hate my job, and besides that I learned that no one is getting a raise this year.  The roof on my house is leaking and we don't have the money to repair it.  My wife just got a report on the baby's heart condition.  The doctor is recommending surgery.  Where is God in all this?  I don't agree with the song we sang last week 'Every Day With Jesus Is Sweeter Than The Day Before'  Do you?"
Matt was thoughtful for a moment.  He knew that Josh was a new believer and that life had been especially difficult recently.  Matt and Josh had been meeting weekly for breakfast weekly for several months.  Matt was mentoring Josh on a one-to-one basis.  "Sorry it's so tough right now," Matt began. "Perhaps it would be good if we started to study God's word to study what the bible teaches about God's justice.

In this lesson we explored evidence that God is just.  It was designed to help us move from 'life stinks' to 'God is great'.

What Is God Doing In Me?
V3- We must always thank God for you...sounds obligatory but it is not.  Paul realized all believers owe God a gratitude for every good He does.  And God was doing a good thing in the Thessalonian church.  Despite their difficulties (v4), Paul saw much evidence of what God's grace and peace already had brought in to their lives.

What Is God Going To Do With Me?
What's happening in the following verses? 
V 5-the bad stuff in v4 is evidence they are believers and are heaven bound
V 6-it is righteous (just, fair) for God to pay back those that mistreat you
V 7-God will give you relief/rest when Jesus returns
V 8-God will punish those who do not know Him-those that denied His grace
V 9-the ungodly will experience everlasting ruin-the opposite if eternal life
V 10- at the time of the unbeliever's doom, the saints will glorify, honor, and praise Jesus as we admire him in all his splendor.
   The Thessalonians will participate in this act of praise because the believed Paul's conversion testimony, and responded by placing their faith in Jesus as the promised Messiah.

What Does God Want To Do Through Me?
Often times we pray for believers going through troubled times.  We ask God to heal them. deliver them from harm, restore their losses, etc.  We looked ot Paul's example which is twofold
V 11
The petition concerning the Christian's worthiness.
How would you reword this?

The petition concerning the Christian's works
How would you reword this?

V 12
The goal of Paul's prayer as it concerns Christ.
Paul's desire was for the Thessalonians to behave in such a way that the name of Jesus would be honored and glorified.
The goal of Paul's prayer as it concerns believers
Romans 8:30 Believers are glorified in the present by growing in Christ-like character.

Remember Josh in the beginning of this study?  He was having trouble trusting God because of the difficult circumstances in his life.  What reasons would you give him for trusting God?

Conclusion:  The way believers respond to difficult circumstances reveals much about our view of God, as well as our trust in Him.  Sometimes loss and setback lead to bitterness and disappointment.  Most adult Christians have known other believers who have moved from saying "life isn't fair" to supposing "God isn't just."  As adults and parents of teens, we need regular reminders not only that God is fair with us but also that He is more than fair.

SPOT Camping Trip

...has been cancelled.  We will try and get it back up and running again next year.  Watch for something in June!


...are now listed on the right column of the blog.  You can even sign up here if you wish.  If you need help just ask me!


  • 7/17 Stubbs
  • 7/24 Luther
  • 7/31 Decker
Prayer Requests
  • Lori's mom had surgery yesterday.  She came home today with word that there is to be no chemo!
  • Jeff Bradshaw's barber John is dealing with depression
  • VBS was this week.  There were ton's of kids.  Pray that the Spirit moved these kids.