Friday, July 15, 2011

Lesson Preview!!!

Have you ever had an occasion to see chickens in a pen get all excited over nothing? It's one of the funniest things you'll ever see!

One chicken can see something benign like a shadow and start freaking out.  Get ready for the fun is about to start.  Almost immediately a second then third chicken joins the panic.  In a matter of seconds the entire pen is scene of chaos.  Over what?  A shadow!  What caused the panic; ignorance, boredom, etc.?

I do not have experience with sheep but what I have heard and read indicates they are not too different from chickens.  They too have a tendency to easily panic.  Now that I think about it - didn't Jesus compare humans to sheep?  Quick recall leads me to agree that we humans do have a quick trigger when it comes to panic as well.

All this talk about chickens, sheep and panic has a point.  This week our study comes from 2 Thessalonians chapter 2.  The study title is - You Can Stay Calm.  We'll see how the believers in Thessalonica were acting a little like chickens. 

Until then,

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