Saturday, December 24, 2011

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Happy Birthday!!!

TODAY is Karen Phillips' birthday!!!!  Tomorrow Neil Stubbs will be celebrating his.  Happy Birthday to both!.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

The Mid-Week Update!!!

Class Notes

In our last class we were treated to many facts about Mary, Jesus' mother.  This week Don has asked us each to bring to the table 2 of our favorite Christmas carols.  See you Sunday!!

The SPOT Christmas Party

...was a blast.  Many thanks again to Zenobia for opening her home for this event.  If anyone needs any pickled pigs feet please call Susan.

Holiday Class Schedule

There will be no class on Christmas morning or on New Years Day. There will be worship services as usual both days.

  • 12/18 PERRY
  • 12/25 NO CLASS
  • 1/1 NO CLASS
  • 1/8  NO ONE YET!!!
  • 1/15 LAROWE
Prayer Requests
  • Safe travel for Phil and Ginger's niece Kim who is returning form a 6 month mission to Swaziland this week.
  • Pray for our kids as they return home for the holidays...and their finals!    
  • For Bill McKee, and the passing of his father.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

A Correction and a Prayer Request

Earlier I made the mistake of saying that today was Karen Phillips' birthday. I was is actually on Saturday.  (I'll get this calendar figured out eventually.)

Also, we have a prayer request for Bill McKee.  His father passed away this morning. Bill knew that time was short and spent the day with his father yesterday.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

The Mid-Week Update!!!

Lesson Recap
Leviticus 23:1-27:34
Let Others See Jesus In You 25:10-22, 35-38

Summary of Background Material: Since we last met-

23:1-24:9 Worship times permeated the Israelite calendar.  The Weekly Sabbath day of rest regularly focused the people's attention on God.  Festivals celebrated God's redemption of His people from Egypt and His provisions for their physical and spiritual needs.  The Day of Atonement constituted a day of self-denial in which the Israelites confessed their sins and the high priest made an atonement sacrifice.  The Israelites needed to remember and celebrate these special times of the year.

24:10-23 When the son of an Israelite mother and Egyptian father blasphemed God's name, God instructed the people to stone the son.  God then gave directions concerning punishments.  Killing and animal necessitated restitution, but intentionally killing a human necessitated the death of the murderer.  Those who injured others received the same injury as punishment, but not the death penalty.  Only heinous crimes such as blasphemy and murder brought the death penalty.

25:1-55 God instructed the Israelites to celebrate the Sabbath year every seventh year so the land could rest.  Every fiftieth year was to be a Year of Jubilee during which the land rested and property was returned to those who owned it.  During the years when the people grew no crops, God would provide for the people's needs by allowing the previous harvests to sustain them.  God directed His people not to cheat one another, but to provide for those in need.

26:1-46  God reminded His People to honor the Sabbath and not to worship idols.  He declared that obedience of His commands would bring blessing and life, while disobedience would bring curse and difficulty.  If, after disobeying, His people repented and sought His forgiveness they could again experience blessing and life.

27:1-34  Vows constituted special offerings beyond required sacrifices.  Substitutions could be made for what had been vowed.  Human values were based on the typical worker's wage, or the value of the person's services.  An animal's value was assigned by the priest.  Firstborn animals could not be vowed sine they already belonged to the Lord.

If you could have one current debt paid in full, what would it be and why?

Share Freedom 1-9, 10-12
Jubilee means to be set free.  Did you catch the two elements of the Jubilee described in these verses?
proclaim liberty=freedom throughout the land.
return= will be discussed in the next set of verses.
What message of freedom does God want His people to proclaim today?

Exhibit Fairness 13-17
The return policy=property was returned to the original family group.  This return of property reminded the people that God was the true owner of the land and helped maintain the proper land distribution of the tribes.  
The cornerstone for the return of property rules was a healthy fear of the Lord, which focused more on love and concern for others than making a profit.  Followers of Christ also live in a special relationship with God.  How should our relationship with Him influence the way we treat others?

Manage Blessings 18-22
Here we see that God is arranging our life so we will live by faith.  The Isrealites also had to have trust in the Lord that during Jubilee they would be sustained...similar to God's provision of mannna. In what ways are we called to trust God?

Extend Kindness 35-38
The Israelites were to extend kindness to the less advantaged.  They were instructed to give him a place to live and work, and do not charge interest on loans.  They did this because God had been kind to them.  How can God's kindness to us inspire us to extend kindness to others?

Based upon principles discussed in this lesson, how will I let others see Jesus in me this week?
SPOT Christmas Party

It's not too late to RSVP!!!  It is this Saturday at Zenobia's house at 6:30.  Send an email to for directions.


  • 12/11   HURTS
  • 12/18   PERRY

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

The Mid-Week Update!!!

Lesson Recap

LEVITICUS 17:1-22:23
See, Hear, and Do No Evil 18:1-5, 20-26; 20:6-8

Summary of Background Material:  Since we last met-
17:1-16 God commanded the Israeltites to bring all the animals to be sacrificed as fellowship offerings (communing with God) to the tent of meetings.  God also cautioned the people not to eat blood but to properly dispose of it, since blood was used in atonement sacrifices (burnt, sin, and retribution offerings).  Similarly, eating the meat of an animal found dead rendered a person unclean because the blood would have coagulated inside the meat.

18:1-30 God directed the Israelites to avoid the ungodly customs of the people groups around them so they could enjoy a satisfying life in relationship with Him.  God's people were not to have sexual relations with any inside their family except their spouse.  In addition, they needed to respect women outside their family and to avoid child sacrifice and bestiality.  Such ungodly practices among the Caananites would result in their expulsion from the land and allow the Israelites to possess it.  God warned His people they too would be punished with expulsion from the land if they engaged in such practices.

19:1-20:27 Being God's people required living in a way different from those who did not follow Him.  His holiness ans faithfulness needed to be reflected in the lives of His people.  God provided guidance to His people that would help them respect Him and others, and enjoy a satisfying life in His presence.

22:1-22:16  Since priests in particular needed to reflect God's holiness, God provided special directions for them.  Their task was to be holy in every aspect of life: 1- from physical appearance, 2- family relations, 3- how they functioned in their priestly role.
22:17-33  The Israelites' sacrifices also needed to reflect holiness.  Only perfect healthy animals could be offered as sacrifices.  This requirement reflected the Israelites need to give the best of themselves and what they possessed to God.  Animals also needed to be treated with respect.  God's people needed to follow His commands and to be holy.

The Christian faith is a relationship with God through Christ.  Objects like a pocket cross might remind us of our relationship with Christ, but they do not give us special protection from life's difficulties.  We sometimes adopt practices and beliefs simply because they are acceptable in our culture, and we do not want to be viewed as out of step.  We sometimes adopt even ungodly practices, thinking they are harmless or believing we can resist and bad elements.  Adopting ungodly practices and beliefs can damage our relationship with God, as well as our witness for Christ.  What are some practices and beliefs commonly acceptable in our culture our teens may feel pressured to participate in because they do not want to be viewed as out of step? What are some ungodly practices our teens may feel pressured to accept because they think they are harmless, or believe they can resist any bad elements and do not want to be viewed as out of step with their peers?

Avoid Worldly Practices 18:1-5
In V.1 we  say that the Lord spoke to Moses in the tabernacle, or tent of meetings.  Last week we established that the words "The Lord spoke to Moses" was a formula for introducing a new rule (as our teens might say!). Keep in mind that Joseph's descendants had been in Egypt for over 400 years.  They were only a few months into  their covenant with God.   With that understood, what message do you think God was communicating to them?  As parents of teenagers, how can we help our children reject the temptation to go along with the crowd when it means going against their Christian beliefs?  God calls believers to a divine standard of living.  To live by His standards we need to consistently reject the standards of worldly society and culture, and consciously seek God's guidance and strength to follow His rules for holy living.

Avoid Immorality 18:20-26
In reading these verses we see 4 things considered detestable to the Lord-adultery, child sacrifice, homosexuality, and bestiality.  Some of these were practiced in Egypt and all of them were in Canaan.  What impact do these type of sins have on a society?  Verse 25 sounds pretty gross with this vomit talk.  Vomiting is a violent body rejection.  This is what God is going to do to Canaan because of their sin.  And he is going to do it through this rag tag group of ex-slaves!  What warning does God give in V.28?  How can we help our teens decide to avoid this immoral activity?

Avoid Sorcery 20:6-8
Mediums and spiritists continue to intrigue people in today's world.  Television programs feature individuals who claim to be able to contact the dead so the dead can speak through them to their loved ones here on earth.  Fortune-tellers and astrologers claim to have secret skills and knowledge that can help an individual succeed in life.  Why is it considered turning our backs on God when we consult mediums for guidance and comfort?  So you tell your teen they are not to consult mediums for guidance.  Then how are they to determine God's will or guidance?  In V. 8, what does it mean if they obey God's instructions they will be set apart.  We can see how this principle applies for believers today in 2Cor 6:17, Jas 1:21, and 1Pet 2:9.

Conclusion: The Bible is often perceived as a book of don'ts; see no evil-hear no evil-do no evil.  This week consider God's commands in these passages.  Identify some positive things you can do to avoid intentional or unintentional immoral behavior.

SPOT Christmas Party sneaking up on us.  It is on December 10th at 6:30 at Zenobia's house.  (maps available in class or fire off an email for directions)  Bring an appetizer to share in the fun and fellowship.  Also, we will be having a white elephant gift exchange.  So be looking for that item you want to get rid of!

Concord Decorating Party this Sunday, December 4th, right after last classes.  Sandwiches and lunch will be served.  RSVP with the church office, and help "spruce" the church up!

Concord Need

Concord is in need of a few ushers.  Information will be coming out in this weeks SPOT folder.  Keep an "aisle" out for it.  ( I know...that one was REAAALY bad.)


  • 12/4 Bradshaw
  • 12/11 Hurts
  • 12/18 Perry
Prayer Requests
  • Prayer of thanks for Kevin's friend and mentor in photography that the spots found in his brain were benign.
  • Prayer for healing for Kevin after a severe case of the flu sent him to the hospital for a couple of days due to dehydration.  Some rest will still be required for a bit.         


Wednesday, November 16, 2011

The Mid-Week Update!!!

Lesson Preview

     This week starts a short three-week study of Leviticus.  Moses is leading the people on a long journey to Canaan.  To get there they must travel through countries and encounter people that do not live by the same standards God has set for His people.  The Israelites are going to be tempted at most every aspect of life.  Our study will look at how they responded to the challenges.
     This Sunday, November 20, our lesson is titled - "Make the Wrong Thing Right."  It will remind us of the importance of admitting our wrongdoings and making restitution for any damages.  When we do the wrong thing, getting right with God and others is important. 

See You Sunday,

Lesson Recap

Exodus 35-40
You Want What? 35: 4-9, 30-36:11; 40:12-15

Summary of Background Material
35:1-36:7 Moses assembled all the Israelites and reminded them not to work on the Sabbath.  He then called on them to bring offerings to be used in the construction of the tabernacle.  Moses asked skilled craftsmen to provide their services.  The wide range of materials and skills needed allowed everyone to provide something for God's work.  The people brought materials, and the skilled workers came to assist.  The Israelites responded in such an overwhelming fashion, Moses was able to tell them they had enough resources to complete the work.

36: 8-38:31 Using the donated materials, the skilled craftsmen fashioned everything for the tabernacle precisely as God had instructed.

39: 1-43 Bezalel supervised the creation of the ephod and breastpiece, using his God-given skills for the delicate work, and at the same time teaching other his craft.  Israel's craftsmen made the high priest's robe and the other priestly garments.  When the craftsmen had completed their work, Moses inspected all they had made, found it to be exactly as God commanded, and blessed the craftsmen.

40: 1-38 God commanded the people to set up the tabernacle, and they did so under Moses' supervision.  After it had been set up, Moses offered incense and animal sacrifices, consecrating Aaron and his sons as priests.  A cloud descended on the tabernacle, and God's glory filled the structure.  Whenever the cloud lifted from the tabernacle, the Israelites resumed their journey.  If the cloud remained on the tabernacle, they remained in camp.

Thing of some things that are offered (advice, second chances, etc.).  We often think in terms of things that can be offered to us.  But we also need to think about things we can offer to others.  This lesson was the last we will have in Exodus by examining the different invitations God offered to the Israelites to be involved in His work.  What are some different way believers today can contribute to God?

First, a little background.  Read Exodus 35:1-3.  As we read those verses, our tendency is to get caught up in the strict requirements handed down from God.  But to get the full impact we must remember the context.  The people had recently disobeyed God by creating and worshiping a golden calf.  Some may have believed that building the tabernacle quickly by working non-stop would please God and make up for their sin.  These verses are all about Moses preempting any such notions by reminding them God desires obedience over sacrifice.

Are You Willing To Contribute? 35: 4-9
When do you recall a time when a special offering was taken either at church or at work?  What was the general attitude of the people that gave?  Some people give freely when offerings are taken.  However, others give because they think peers might be watching them and they want to impress them.  Or they give grudgingly, knowing that they would rather use the money or time for themselves.  Or they give with the idea that God will repay them by letting only good things come their way.  Sometimes they compare their contribution to that of others, hoping to demonstrate that they are just as god if not better.

According to v. 5, why does it appear the Israelites were giving to the project of the tabernacle and priestly garments from nothing other generous hearts?  God was requiring some pretty expensive stuff.  Until the last few months these people were slaves.  Where would slave acquire such expensive goods?  Giving to the Lord's work is not a contest.  We need to give because our hearts and lives overflow with gratitude for God's salvation, forgiveness, care, and grace.

Do You Have Skills To Use?  35:30-36:1
These verses are full of difficult names and detailed information.  The main topic is that God gifted people with the ability to get His work done..  God gave Bezalel and Oholiab everything they needed to get the job done.  We are told that they acquired their skills from God.  However it was probably not a instant giving.  They probably learned and honed these skills back in Egypt.
Think of some of the skills you have acquired over the years, either through formal education, on-the-job training, or natural ability.  Which of these can God potentially use for His kingdom work.  Offering our talents are different than giving money, and can be more sacrificial, because it involves time and personal investment. 

Is the Lord Calling You to Serve? 40:12-15
An interesting point to note is that the garments of the priests were made of the same material as the tabernacle.  This allowed the priests to serve as a sort of "living tabernacle" connecting the people to God.  The function of a priest is the connecting of people to God.  According to 1 Peter 2:9, we are priests.  How can I use my position as a priest to serve God in my daily life?

Conclusion:  This week, evaluate your willingness to contribute to God's work.  In your evaluation be sure to include your time, talents, and vocation along with your financial resources.

SPOT Christmas Party mentioned before at Zenobia's house on Dec. 10 at 6:30 PM.  Directions to follow soon!


  • 11/20 STUBBS
  • 11/27 GABLE
  • 12/4 BRADSHAW

Prayer Requests

  • Praise and thanksgiving for Ginger's kitchen sink!
  • Stan's family.  His dad had a stroke last Thursday.  He was the primary caregiver to his mom who has been diagnosed with cancer and recovery from surgery.
  • Billie Jean-daughters friend who comes to church with the Stanfields.  Her mom is going to jail at the end of the month.  Her dad is in jail.  She thinks she wants to stay with the Stanfields.  Pray for God's providence.
  • Safety as people begin to travel for the holidays.



Happy Birthday!!!

Happy Birthday today to Douglas Stubbs!!!

Friday, November 11, 2011

It's What You Scatter

Here is a story that Jeff Bradshaw sent along....enjoy!


I was at the corner grocery store buying some early potatoes... I noticed a small boy, delicate of bone and feature, ragged but clean, hungrily appraising a basket of freshly picked green peas.

I paid for my potatoes but was also drawn to the display of fresh green peas. I am a pushover for creamed peas and new potatoes.

Pondering the peas, I couldn't help overhearing the conversation between Mr. Miller (the store owner) and the ragged boy next to me.

'Hello Barry, how are you today?'

'H'lo, Mr. Miller. Fine, thank ya. Jus' admirin' them peas. They sure look good.'

'They are good, Barry. How's your Ma?'

'Fine. Gittin' stronger alla' time.'
'Good. Anything I can help you with?

'No, Sir. Jus' admirin' them peas.'
'Would you like to take some home?' asked Mr. Miller.

'No, Sir. Got nuthin' to pay for 'em with.'

'Well, what have you to trade me for some of those peas?'

'All I got's my prize marble here.'

'Is that right? Let me see it', said Miller.

'Here 'tis. She's a dandy.'

'I can see that. Hmm mmm, only thing is this one is blue and I sort of go for red. Do you have a red one like this at home?' the store owner asked.

'Not zackley but almost.'

'Tell you what. Take this sack of peas home with you and next trip this way let me look at that red marble'. Mr. Miller told the boy.

'Sure will. Thanks Mr. Miller.'

Mrs. Miller, who had been standing nearby, came over to help me.

With a smile she said, 'There are two other boys like him in our community, all three are in very poor circumstances. Jim just loves to bargain with them for peas, apples, tomatoes, or whatever.

When they come back with their red marbles, and they always do, he decides he doesn't like red after all and he sends them home with a bag of produce for a green marble or an orange one, when they come on their next trip to the store.'

I left the store smiling to myself, impressed with this man. A short time later I moved to Colorado, but I never forgot the story of this man, the boys, and their bartering for marbles.

Several years went by, each more rapid than the previous one. Just recently I had occasion to visit some old friends in that Idaho community and while I was there learned that Mr. Miller had died. They were having his visitation that evening and knowing my friends wanted to go, I agreed to accompany them. Upon arrival at the mortuary we fell into line to meet the relatives of the deceased and to offer whatever words of comfort we could.

Ahead of us in line were three young men. One was in an army uniform and the other two wore nice haircuts, dark suits and white shirts...all very professional looking. They approached Mrs. Miller, standing composed and smiling by her husband's casket.

Each of the young men hugged her, kissed her on the cheek, spoke briefly with her and moved on to the casket. Her misty light blue eyes followed them as, one by one; each young man stopped briefly and placed his own warm hand over the cold pale hand in the casket. Each left the mortuary awkwardly, wiping his eyes.

Our turn came to meet Mrs. Miller. I told her who I was and reminded her of the story from those many years ago and what she had told me about her husband's bartering for marbles. With her eyes glistening, she took my hand and led me to the casket.

'Those three young men who just left were the boys I told you about.

They just told me how they appreciated the things Jim 'traded' them. Now, at last, when Jim could not change his mind about color or size....they came to pay their debt.'

'We've never had a great deal of the wealth of this world,' she confided, 'but right now, Jim would consider himself the richest man in Idaho ...'

With loving gentleness she lifted the lifeless fingers of her deceased husband. Resting underneath were three exquisitely shined red marbles.

The Moral:
We will not be remembered by our words, but by our kind deeds. Life is not measured by the breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath.

Veterans Day

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Lesson Preview!!!

     This week we will ask the question, "How do I contribute?"  The context for the question is the people giving of their resources (time, talents, finances) to build the tabernacle and support the ministry of the priests.
     Our own needs can sometimes make us hesitant to give to God's work.  In difficult circumstances, we may not have much money and thus feel we have nothing to give. 
     This lesson is not designed to make anyone feel bad or take a guilt trip.  However, it will help us, as mambers of the family,  think about - "How do I contribute."  The lesson comes from the following section in Exodus: chapters 35:4-9, 30-36:1 & 40:12-15. 

See You Sunday,

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

The Mid-Week Update!!!

Lesson Recap

Oops 32:1-4,30-34; 34:6-9

Summary of Background Material:
  Ex 32: 1-35 Moses had a prolonged absence from the Israelites while he was on the mountain receiving instructions from God.  This absence led them to demand that Aaron make a representation of God.  Taking gold earrings from the women and children, Aaron fashioned a golden calf; and the people held a great feast sacrificing to this idol.  God commanded Moses to return to the people, stating that He intended to destroy them.  Moses pleaded with God to spare Israel, and God honored Moses' intercession.  When Moses saw the people's sinful actions he condemned them.  Aaron feebly tried to excuse his actions.  Moses called those faithful to God to come to him.  The Levites gathered around Moses, and he instructed them to kill the unrepentant idolaters.  After Moses sought God's forgiveness for the people, God pledged to guide them; but He punished them with a plague.
  Ex 33:1-23 God declared to Moses that He would send an angel before His people to lead them, but He would not go with them because of their constant disobedience.  Moses set up a tent of meetings outside the camp where he went to God and to receive His guidance.  Moses asked God to send His presence with the Israelites and to teach him His ways.  When Moses asked to see God's glory, God instructed Moses to wait in the crevice of a rock as He passed by.  God allowed Moses to see His back but not the overwhelming glory of His face.
  Ex 34:1-35 God instructed Moses to prepare two new tablets on which He would write the Ten Commandments.  When Moses ascended Mt. Sinai again, God declared His name and nature; and Moses worshiped Him.  God stated that He would drive out the inhabitants of Canaan so the Israelites could settle in the land.  God instructed the Isrealites not to make treaties with the people of Canaan or to engage in idolatry.  Instead, they were to observe the sacred times of the year and to offer worthy sacrifices.  After Remaining with God on Mt. Sinai for 40 days and 40 nights, Moses returned to the people, his face shining with the reflected light of God's glory.

Picture an inflatable mattress.  They are beneficial for camping and housing guests when you don't have enough beds.  Have you ever slept on one of these mattresses that slowly lost it's air during the night?  This lesson was about those who have experienced a slow leak in their own lives and have faltered publicly in their walk with the Lord.
What would you say is the first step in repairing a leaking mattress?  First, you have to realize there is a leak!  We usually do not know there is a leak until the mattress is put under pressure.  We are going to see Israel under pressure in these verses.

How We Falter 32:1-4
What would you say were some of the pressures the people faced as Moses delayed his departure?  Aaron was the person in charge in Moses' absence.  Why do you believe the pressure on the people created even more pressure on Aaron?  What big oops did Aaron make?  What factors may have contributed to Aaron's falter?  What are some factors that lead to out faltering today?
    Back to the air mattress-just knowing there is a leak in the mattress is not enough.  If I know there is a leak but still fill it full of aire and ask you to sleep on it, you will have a miserable night!  Likewise, many have had miserable nights because they know they have faltered, but have not done anything about it.  In the next set of verses we will discover what Moses did about Aaron and the people's big oops.

When We Falter 32:30-34
Moses described the peoples sin as great sin.  We can learn from Moses how to respond when a Christian, including yourself blows it.  We can go to God on people's behalf.  The air mattress we have been referring to gives us three options.  We can ignore it, throw it away, or repair it.  Why would some opt to throw the mattress away?  Why do some choose to repair it?  In these next verses we will see what choice God made when the people sinned against Him.
Moses has gone back up on the mountain and has asked God to allow him to see His glory.  God allowed Moses to see his backside because Moses would not be able to withstand the glory of God's face.  Then God had Moses prepare two more stones so he could rewrite the Ten Commandments.

Although We Falter
Bonus Notes!!-in verse 7 we hear of God punishing future generations.  God does not make children and grandchildren suffer for the sins of their forefathers.  The point made is that the consequences of sin persist so strongly they pass from one generation to the next.  
In verse six God described His essential nature by listing five of His characteristics.  They are:
  • Compassionate:  God consistently loves and tenderly cares for His people even when they sin against Him.
  • Gracious:  God acts to bless and provide for us.
  • Slow to Anger:  He provides opportunity after opportunity for people to come to and return to Him.
  • Abounding in Love:  God maintains loyalty to His people even when their sins strain the covenant to the breaking point.
  • Abounding in Faithfulness: We can depend on what God says because His Word is completely reliable.
Since God has all these characteristics, then why are people hesitant to come to Him when we falter?

Conclusion: God delights in saving, not destroying.  Therefore I will not hesitate to go to Him and seek forgiveness when I falter in my faith.

New CSM Website

There is a new website so that students and parent can keep tabs on all that is happening with the youth.  It can be found here.

SPOT Class Christmas Party

Zenobia has been kind enough to open her home to us for our annual Christmas party.  It will be on Dec. 10the at 6:30 PM.  We will all bring appetizers, and we will also have a white elephant gift exchange (so start looking for something around your house you don't want!).  

Servant Opportunity

The sign-up sheet has already been turned in , but the is still a need for couples to volunteer to help with children for four Sundays throughout the year during worship.  You can sign up at the Welcome Center


  • 11/13 Phillips
  • 11/20 Stubbs