Wednesday, November 9, 2011

The Mid-Week Update!!!

Lesson Recap

Oops 32:1-4,30-34; 34:6-9

Summary of Background Material:
  Ex 32: 1-35 Moses had a prolonged absence from the Israelites while he was on the mountain receiving instructions from God.  This absence led them to demand that Aaron make a representation of God.  Taking gold earrings from the women and children, Aaron fashioned a golden calf; and the people held a great feast sacrificing to this idol.  God commanded Moses to return to the people, stating that He intended to destroy them.  Moses pleaded with God to spare Israel, and God honored Moses' intercession.  When Moses saw the people's sinful actions he condemned them.  Aaron feebly tried to excuse his actions.  Moses called those faithful to God to come to him.  The Levites gathered around Moses, and he instructed them to kill the unrepentant idolaters.  After Moses sought God's forgiveness for the people, God pledged to guide them; but He punished them with a plague.
  Ex 33:1-23 God declared to Moses that He would send an angel before His people to lead them, but He would not go with them because of their constant disobedience.  Moses set up a tent of meetings outside the camp where he went to God and to receive His guidance.  Moses asked God to send His presence with the Israelites and to teach him His ways.  When Moses asked to see God's glory, God instructed Moses to wait in the crevice of a rock as He passed by.  God allowed Moses to see His back but not the overwhelming glory of His face.
  Ex 34:1-35 God instructed Moses to prepare two new tablets on which He would write the Ten Commandments.  When Moses ascended Mt. Sinai again, God declared His name and nature; and Moses worshiped Him.  God stated that He would drive out the inhabitants of Canaan so the Israelites could settle in the land.  God instructed the Isrealites not to make treaties with the people of Canaan or to engage in idolatry.  Instead, they were to observe the sacred times of the year and to offer worthy sacrifices.  After Remaining with God on Mt. Sinai for 40 days and 40 nights, Moses returned to the people, his face shining with the reflected light of God's glory.

Picture an inflatable mattress.  They are beneficial for camping and housing guests when you don't have enough beds.  Have you ever slept on one of these mattresses that slowly lost it's air during the night?  This lesson was about those who have experienced a slow leak in their own lives and have faltered publicly in their walk with the Lord.
What would you say is the first step in repairing a leaking mattress?  First, you have to realize there is a leak!  We usually do not know there is a leak until the mattress is put under pressure.  We are going to see Israel under pressure in these verses.

How We Falter 32:1-4
What would you say were some of the pressures the people faced as Moses delayed his departure?  Aaron was the person in charge in Moses' absence.  Why do you believe the pressure on the people created even more pressure on Aaron?  What big oops did Aaron make?  What factors may have contributed to Aaron's falter?  What are some factors that lead to out faltering today?
    Back to the air mattress-just knowing there is a leak in the mattress is not enough.  If I know there is a leak but still fill it full of aire and ask you to sleep on it, you will have a miserable night!  Likewise, many have had miserable nights because they know they have faltered, but have not done anything about it.  In the next set of verses we will discover what Moses did about Aaron and the people's big oops.

When We Falter 32:30-34
Moses described the peoples sin as great sin.  We can learn from Moses how to respond when a Christian, including yourself blows it.  We can go to God on people's behalf.  The air mattress we have been referring to gives us three options.  We can ignore it, throw it away, or repair it.  Why would some opt to throw the mattress away?  Why do some choose to repair it?  In these next verses we will see what choice God made when the people sinned against Him.
Moses has gone back up on the mountain and has asked God to allow him to see His glory.  God allowed Moses to see his backside because Moses would not be able to withstand the glory of God's face.  Then God had Moses prepare two more stones so he could rewrite the Ten Commandments.

Although We Falter
Bonus Notes!!-in verse 7 we hear of God punishing future generations.  God does not make children and grandchildren suffer for the sins of their forefathers.  The point made is that the consequences of sin persist so strongly they pass from one generation to the next.  
In verse six God described His essential nature by listing five of His characteristics.  They are:
  • Compassionate:  God consistently loves and tenderly cares for His people even when they sin against Him.
  • Gracious:  God acts to bless and provide for us.
  • Slow to Anger:  He provides opportunity after opportunity for people to come to and return to Him.
  • Abounding in Love:  God maintains loyalty to His people even when their sins strain the covenant to the breaking point.
  • Abounding in Faithfulness: We can depend on what God says because His Word is completely reliable.
Since God has all these characteristics, then why are people hesitant to come to Him when we falter?

Conclusion: God delights in saving, not destroying.  Therefore I will not hesitate to go to Him and seek forgiveness when I falter in my faith.

New CSM Website

There is a new website so that students and parent can keep tabs on all that is happening with the youth.  It can be found here.

SPOT Class Christmas Party

Zenobia has been kind enough to open her home to us for our annual Christmas party.  It will be on Dec. 10the at 6:30 PM.  We will all bring appetizers, and we will also have a white elephant gift exchange (so start looking for something around your house you don't want!).  

Servant Opportunity

The sign-up sheet has already been turned in , but the is still a need for couples to volunteer to help with children for four Sundays throughout the year during worship.  You can sign up at the Welcome Center


  • 11/13 Phillips
  • 11/20 Stubbs

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