Wednesday, November 30, 2011

The Mid-Week Update!!!

Lesson Recap

LEVITICUS 17:1-22:23
See, Hear, and Do No Evil 18:1-5, 20-26; 20:6-8

Summary of Background Material:  Since we last met-
17:1-16 God commanded the Israeltites to bring all the animals to be sacrificed as fellowship offerings (communing with God) to the tent of meetings.  God also cautioned the people not to eat blood but to properly dispose of it, since blood was used in atonement sacrifices (burnt, sin, and retribution offerings).  Similarly, eating the meat of an animal found dead rendered a person unclean because the blood would have coagulated inside the meat.

18:1-30 God directed the Israelites to avoid the ungodly customs of the people groups around them so they could enjoy a satisfying life in relationship with Him.  God's people were not to have sexual relations with any inside their family except their spouse.  In addition, they needed to respect women outside their family and to avoid child sacrifice and bestiality.  Such ungodly practices among the Caananites would result in their expulsion from the land and allow the Israelites to possess it.  God warned His people they too would be punished with expulsion from the land if they engaged in such practices.

19:1-20:27 Being God's people required living in a way different from those who did not follow Him.  His holiness ans faithfulness needed to be reflected in the lives of His people.  God provided guidance to His people that would help them respect Him and others, and enjoy a satisfying life in His presence.

22:1-22:16  Since priests in particular needed to reflect God's holiness, God provided special directions for them.  Their task was to be holy in every aspect of life: 1- from physical appearance, 2- family relations, 3- how they functioned in their priestly role.
22:17-33  The Israelites' sacrifices also needed to reflect holiness.  Only perfect healthy animals could be offered as sacrifices.  This requirement reflected the Israelites need to give the best of themselves and what they possessed to God.  Animals also needed to be treated with respect.  God's people needed to follow His commands and to be holy.

The Christian faith is a relationship with God through Christ.  Objects like a pocket cross might remind us of our relationship with Christ, but they do not give us special protection from life's difficulties.  We sometimes adopt practices and beliefs simply because they are acceptable in our culture, and we do not want to be viewed as out of step.  We sometimes adopt even ungodly practices, thinking they are harmless or believing we can resist and bad elements.  Adopting ungodly practices and beliefs can damage our relationship with God, as well as our witness for Christ.  What are some practices and beliefs commonly acceptable in our culture our teens may feel pressured to participate in because they do not want to be viewed as out of step? What are some ungodly practices our teens may feel pressured to accept because they think they are harmless, or believe they can resist any bad elements and do not want to be viewed as out of step with their peers?

Avoid Worldly Practices 18:1-5
In V.1 we  say that the Lord spoke to Moses in the tabernacle, or tent of meetings.  Last week we established that the words "The Lord spoke to Moses" was a formula for introducing a new rule (as our teens might say!). Keep in mind that Joseph's descendants had been in Egypt for over 400 years.  They were only a few months into  their covenant with God.   With that understood, what message do you think God was communicating to them?  As parents of teenagers, how can we help our children reject the temptation to go along with the crowd when it means going against their Christian beliefs?  God calls believers to a divine standard of living.  To live by His standards we need to consistently reject the standards of worldly society and culture, and consciously seek God's guidance and strength to follow His rules for holy living.

Avoid Immorality 18:20-26
In reading these verses we see 4 things considered detestable to the Lord-adultery, child sacrifice, homosexuality, and bestiality.  Some of these were practiced in Egypt and all of them were in Canaan.  What impact do these type of sins have on a society?  Verse 25 sounds pretty gross with this vomit talk.  Vomiting is a violent body rejection.  This is what God is going to do to Canaan because of their sin.  And he is going to do it through this rag tag group of ex-slaves!  What warning does God give in V.28?  How can we help our teens decide to avoid this immoral activity?

Avoid Sorcery 20:6-8
Mediums and spiritists continue to intrigue people in today's world.  Television programs feature individuals who claim to be able to contact the dead so the dead can speak through them to their loved ones here on earth.  Fortune-tellers and astrologers claim to have secret skills and knowledge that can help an individual succeed in life.  Why is it considered turning our backs on God when we consult mediums for guidance and comfort?  So you tell your teen they are not to consult mediums for guidance.  Then how are they to determine God's will or guidance?  In V. 8, what does it mean if they obey God's instructions they will be set apart.  We can see how this principle applies for believers today in 2Cor 6:17, Jas 1:21, and 1Pet 2:9.

Conclusion: The Bible is often perceived as a book of don'ts; see no evil-hear no evil-do no evil.  This week consider God's commands in these passages.  Identify some positive things you can do to avoid intentional or unintentional immoral behavior.

SPOT Christmas Party sneaking up on us.  It is on December 10th at 6:30 at Zenobia's house.  (maps available in class or fire off an email for directions)  Bring an appetizer to share in the fun and fellowship.  Also, we will be having a white elephant gift exchange.  So be looking for that item you want to get rid of!

Concord Decorating Party this Sunday, December 4th, right after last classes.  Sandwiches and lunch will be served.  RSVP with the church office, and help "spruce" the church up!

Concord Need

Concord is in need of a few ushers.  Information will be coming out in this weeks SPOT folder.  Keep an "aisle" out for it.  ( I know...that one was REAAALY bad.)


  • 12/4 Bradshaw
  • 12/11 Hurts
  • 12/18 Perry
Prayer Requests
  • Prayer of thanks for Kevin's friend and mentor in photography that the spots found in his brain were benign.
  • Prayer for healing for Kevin after a severe case of the flu sent him to the hospital for a couple of days due to dehydration.  Some rest will still be required for a bit.         


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