Friday, October 30, 2009


Our Hurried Lives Continue

Don Robbins will be drawing some interesting perspectives from the next chapter in Tim Kimmel's video series on the Hurried Family.

We've learned that our our busy lives are reinforced by convenience and a need for speed. Fast food, drive thrus, expressways, DSL and broadband, lawn tractors, bullet trains, pay-at-the-pump. This only scratches the surface!

Can we possible slow down? Focus on the simpler things in life? Make time for God?

Oh, and don't forget Daylight Savings Time, designed to give us more daylight hours so we can do more stuff! However, perhaps sanity is returning to our hurried lives after all! DST goes away early Sunday morning and we go back to Standard Time. Turn your clocks back and enjoy an extra hour of sleep Saturday/Sunday! Come to SPOTclass rested and unhurried.


It was a cozy crowd at the second annual SPOTluck picnic last Sunday, Many thank to Director Kevin Hurt who got to the park early to make sure the dogs and burgers were ready when we arrived - but we really did miss lining up in front the of the grill and blowing on the coals in unison to spread the red glow.

The rain held off just long enough for us all to get our fill of the goodies under the shelter and spend a little time in fellowship. Ryan Perry took particular pleasure in the games.

Next year we'll shoot for a bigger shelter with at least one electrical outlet. Look for pictures from SPOTnik on the class blog,

CSM Parent Meeting November 8

The Concord Student Ministries leadership team will be conducting one of its quarterly Parent Meetings on Sunday, Nov. 8 after second hour in the Rafters. Jeremy and Sarah will be discussing upcoming activities and seeking your input.

If you have any questions or comments about CSM, the new Sunday and Wednesday format, or need information about upcoming activities, you won't want to miss this meeting.

College Care Packages

SPOTclass will again sponsor the College Care Package ministry. Over the next few weeks, we'll solicit the names of Concord's college students around the country and send them goodies to tide them over through finals. We'll set a baking date soon, so stay tuned!

If you know of any students away at school, or have one or more yourself, please email their name and address information to

Christmas Project

The SPOTclass is collecting items for the Missouri Baptist Children's Home in the festively decorated box in our classroom. If we fill the box, we'll find another one. A comprehensive list of the items the Children's Home is seeking is included on the new class blog. Check out

Prayer List

• For God's patience and healing for Zenobia's arm after surgery. All is going well, and she is just working on strength training now.
• Linda Conrad's mom is having pain in her right shoulder.
• Mark Cotter is having back pain.
• Zenobia has requested a prayer for God's guidance pertaining to Jaclyn's lack of interest in attending small groups with the youth.
• Pray for the Christmas musical for stamina, good health, safety, and commitment. Praise for Amy, the new director for the musical.
• For Dani Cotter's friend, Mary Geers. She is in Kenya now with a group from her church, working with an orphanage.
• For Ginger LaRowe's safe return from Virginia with her mom and brother (SPOTclass member) Phil.

SPOTclass Summer Activities Planned

SPOTclass will camp and float again in 2010! Three families participated in last year's weekend outing in southeast Missouri and we're hoping to double the numbers this year. Keep your calendars open the second weekend in June (June 12-14). It's the perfect weekend -- after school and before Father's Day.

The annual formerly Young Adult Concord Families Retreat at Windermere has been scheduled for July 9-12, 2010. (Windermere is located near Camdenton, MO on the Lake of the Ozarks.) Reservations and deposits are needed ASAP. For more information, contact Brenda Kirkpatrick,

SPOT Snacks

November 1 -- Zenobia Perry

November 8 -- Dani Cotter

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