Monday, November 16, 2009


A follower of the SPOT blog sent the following info!!!

Join us for an opportunity of a lifetime! James Gardner from Answers in Genesis will be speaking at
Green Park Community Church &
Green Park Christian Academy
November 29th and 30th

Join us for church on Sunday November 29th at 9:30am

Mr. Gardner will speak on The Consequences of the Path You Choose - about 45 minutes
This lead-off message deals with the relevance of the creation vs. evolution belief systems.

Sunday Seminars $10 each for $20 for all 3

Sunday November 29th at 11:OOam

Why Question Biblical Authority? - about 50 minutes
This session deals with the compromise that Christians make in trying to add millions of years to the Bible, and the different ways they try to do that. The "day-age" theory, Progressive creation, Theistic evolution, and the Gap theory are dealt with in some detail. .

Sunday November 29th at 1 :30pm
The Mystery of Ancient Man - About 50 minutes
This session explains with the 4th "C~ the Confusion at Babel, Nimrod and his establishment of astrology and the tower of Babel as an observatory to study the stars. It does so by dealing with ancient artifacts that indicates a technological explosion occurred about 5,000 years ago.

Sunday November 29th at 2:45pm
What is Truth? - About 55 Minutes
This presentation reveals world views. Humanism and it's foundation of evolution and atheism, and Biblical Christianity and it's foundation on revealed truth as it deals with origins in the Genesis creation account. The presentation , deals with the five tenets of the Humanist Manifesto and how our public education system has been taken over by the Humanists.

Monday School Field Trip $5 per student includes pizza lunch - 9:30AM¬12:30 PM

Monday November 30th at 9:30am
Dinosaurs and Dragons - Fact or Myth - About 45 minutes (One of the most requested topics, especially for youth groups and in schools) This session explains the 3rd"C~ the Catastrophe, by asking and answering four questions about dinosaurs. Where did they come from and when? When did they die out and become extinct? Why did they become extinct? Have there been any dinosaurs alive In recent times and are there any alive on the planet today?

Monday November 30th at 10:45am
Aliens, UFO's and Incredible Creatures - About 50 min New presentation more specifics and detail explanation of lecture to follow.

Visit their website to learn more about them at

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