Sunday, November 8, 2009

Sunday Update!! 11/8/09

Lesson Recap

Continuing on with our video series on the Hurried Family, today we studied bringing calm to the hurried home. With this we had three mandates:

Mandate 1: Maintain an attitude of forgiveness. (Ephesians 4:32)
Mandate 2: Live within the boundaries of God's Word. (Psalm 119:1-2)
Mandate 3: Maintain an eternal perspective. (2 Corinthians 4: 16-18)

Everyone got a little something different out of today's lesson. God is really speaking to all through this series.

Shindig Correction!!!!

We have a time change on the Christmas SPOT Shindig at the Hurt's. Due to our classmates that are in choir, and the practices that are being held, the time has changed to 5PM on December the 6th at the Hurt's. This way we can all enjoy the get together. You can dismiss any earlier reports that Kevin will be wearing bell-bottoms.


SPOTlunch is next week after class. We will all be going to Lion's Choice on South Lindbergh. Hope to see you there!

Class Projects

Don't forget our current class projects:

Missouri Baptist Children's Home- The box is still in the classroom.

College Care Packages-We are actively soliciting names of out-of-town college students. We will be baking the cookies on 11/21/09, then sending them out!

As Gene mentioned in church this morning, the church (and our class) bring up a lot of projects to support this time of year. No one has to support ALL of them...just the ones that God has called you to!

Prayer Requests

-Mark Cotter's back is doing great! He's back to about 95%!
-Liz Massey had 4 impacted wisdom teeth removed on Friday. Pray for healing and relief from the pain and swelling.
-Continued prayer for the Christmas show, and for the health of those involved. Also pray for those that come and see it. Pray for open hearts to Jesus and His knocking!
-Jim Meinhardt's grandson is home. He is jaundiced, and has to receive light treatment. Pray for good health!
-Hunting season starts soon. Pray for safety for those that participate in the sport.

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