Thursday, November 26, 2009

Taking a Holiday

The regular edition of SPOTmail will not be sent out this week in recognition of the Thanksgiving holiday, as well as recognition that it's hard to write when you're not in town. We'll catch you up on anything important with bulletins and entries on the SPOTblog,

We know many are traveling this week, so please pray for their safe travel to and from their destinations.

SPOTmail may be taking a holiday, but the SPOTclass is not!
• Our video series wraps up this Sunday even as we launch the Advent season. Please be sure to thank Don Robbins for the great work he's done facilitating discussion after each video presentation.
• As we near Christmas, we know Don and Lori take great joy in presenting the Christmas message in a particularly meaningful way! Make sure you plan to be in your SPOT.
• Snacks this week will be provided by Jeanette Stubbs -- thank you very much!
• We have two more weeks to collect items for the Missouri Baptist Children's Home.
• Christmas Shindig at the Hurts, Sunday, December 6, 5 p.m. Bring an appetizer.
• College Care Packages are mailed Monday, November 30.
We sincerely hope you enjoy your Thanksgiving feast, as well as time together with family and friends. Even in these difficult economic times, we still have much for which to be thankful!

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