Monday, December 7, 2009

Sunday Update!! 12/6/09

Since there was this Shindig thingy happening at my house last night the Sunday update is a little late....

Lesson Recap

Today we started our Advent journey. We began with a Christmas quiz that showed that based on the story as narrated in the Bible we all knew less than we thought!! We also read the Nativity story from Luke and discussed the Advent season as a journey through the birth of Christ! Don will not be with us next week, so I will facilitate the lesson (current stutter and all!). Watch for the SPOTnews this week for a sneak peek!

The Shindig!!

The Shindig was a hit. It was well attended. The guys got to watch a bit of football while Christmas music played (ain't technology wonderful?). The gals went on a freshly cleaned house tour. (Do NOT be is never this clean!) Squishy the parrot both entertained and struck fear into some! The food was awesome, and the fellowship even more so. We need to do this more often as it was a great time. I am thinking about a Super Bowl get together...any volunteers??? :)

Christmas Project

The time is closing for donations to our Christmas project. Our box of goodies for the Missouri Baptist Children's home is filling up. But alas, with a deadline of the 15th this means that next Sunday will be the LAST day to put something into the box! We will then make arrangements to get the items to the Home.

Prayer Requests

-For the opportunities to share Christ during the holiday season with friends and family.
-Please prat for everyone involved with the Christmas Show, and for their health and energy!

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