Sunday, January 17, 2010

Sunday Update!!!!

Lesson Recap

Today we read more in Mark as part of Don's "Marks of Discipleship" series.  Today's lesson asked what Jesus' call means to me, and was designed to help us identify and accept His expectations of how to live as believers.

We read Mark 2:1-12 where Jesus heals a paralytic.
We read Mark 2: 13-17 when Jesus called Levi (Matthew).
We read Mark 2: 18-22 where Jesus was questioned about fasting.
We finished up reading about the Lord of the Sabbath in Mark 2:23-3:6.

1) When we accept the call of Jesus, He then wants us to provide opportunities for other unbelievers to hear and respond to his call.
2)  When we accept the call of Jesus, we then have reason to live with a new attitude that is characterized by joy!
3)  When we accept the call of Jesus, we then will give attention to doing good, including meeting peoples needs.

Super Bowl Party

The Super Bowl Party is going to be held at the LaRowe's home on February 7th. We passed the sign-up sheet around today, and will do so next there is still time to sign up!  You can also email your RSVP to, along with the appetizer you will bring!!

Camping Trip Details Are Out!!!

You can find ALL the details on the blog post prior to this one!!!

Prayer Requests

- Jeff Bradshaw's friend and co-worker, Ken, had a biopsy on his prstrate last week.  Please pray for good results.
- Pray for the drama ministry, which will be meeting again starting next week under the temporary leadership of Dani.
- Pray for safety in our work environments, given people being laid off reacting negatively.
-Please pray for Dani's brother-in-law Jack, that his interview goes well...and a "silent" prayer request for his parents.
- Prayers for Rich Conrad and his upcoming assignment abroad.   

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