Monday, February 22, 2010

The Sunday Update on Monday!!!

Lesson Recap

Continuing in Mark, today we continued with the studies of the miracles found in Mark chapter 4:35- chapter 6:5.  This lesson was designed to allow our faith in Jesus to replace fear.  There are three common themes found in these four miracles. 

1) Death.  Even the disciples were most afraid of dying.  The message is that Jesus is equal to any threat that may shatter human life.
2) Desperation.  We saw the disciples in need of the storm to be calmed.  This includes innermost turmoil!  The message is those most open to receiving Jesus' power in their lives are those who recognize their own desperate need of it.
3)  Contrast between fear and faith. Lack of faith is fear.  Complete faith in Jesus leaves no room for fear! The message is faith flings open wide the gates to receive Jesus' power...and that casts out all fears! 

What miracle does Jesus Want to perform in your life???

Trivia Basket

We are going to be making a "movie basket" for the auction for the CSM Trivia Night.  This will be like the one we made last year.  Tabs with gifts needed to make the basket will be posted on our bulletin board.  Take a tab and get the gift to Ginger by Wednesday, March 3rd!  Remember the money raised goes to help the youth on their mission trips!

Prayer Requests

- Praise To God that nothing is wrong with Rich Conrad's heart...there is no blockage.  Pray that the blood pressure meds will help lower his blood pressure.
-Kevin will be having spine surgery on Friday.  He should be home on Saturday evening, and up and at 'em within a week or two.  Pray that God guides the surgeons hands.  Also pray that this might be the end of most of Kevin issues.


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