Monday, March 15, 2010

Sunday Update!!!

Lesson Recap

Today we continued in the series "Marks of Discipleship".  We focused on Mark 8:34-10:31.  The lesson was designed to help us get along better with others.  Our points we considered were in chapter 9:

Verses 33-37: Show Others You Care-Jesus gave advice that the first amongst his followers would be last.  This will help us get along with others because when you are more concerned about the welfare of others than yourself it helps us see others in a different light!

Verses 38-41: See Others as Co-Workers-The disciples were upset that an unnamed person was doing miracles in the name of Jesus who was not an "insider".  Jesus commented that since the works were done in his name, all was well.  We need to have this attitude towards other Christians, so that we can come together for His glory!

Verses 42-48: Sacrifice For The Sake Of Others- This passage tells us that we need to get rid of the things in our lives that cause us to sin, or not walk with Him.  It is better to do without, than to go against God.  Sin is not tolererated.

Verses 49-50: Season Others Lives!-Here Jesus talks about salt.  What do we use salt for?  How can we use those characteristics to enhance our relationships?

What truths from this lesson can we apply to our relationships?

SPOT Lunch
 Next week, after class, is once again SPOTlunch.  Today CiCi's Pizza was the place drawn!  So be ready for a pizza buffet, and cinnamon rolls!  YUM!

Easter EGGSstravaganza

As mentioned previously on the blog, the SPOT class will be manning the "Knock it Over" game on March the 27th at church.  The hours will be 8:30-noon.  If you would like to help send us off an email to sign up on the sign up sheet in the SPOT folder on Sunday!

Social Activity Poll

The poll for our next social activity was in the folder on Sunday.  There were a few votes for bowling and the Muny.  There were also a couple of write-ins for the City Museum and a bonfire (we would need a location for that one!).  The poll will make one more round in the folder next Sunday.  Vote often and early!

Prayer Requests
-Rusty has an employee at work (Mike) nearing retirement and now thinks he has dementia or Alzheimer's. 
-Ed requested prayer for his sister's continuing cancer treatments.  She is struggling with new chemo.
-Ed's brother-in-law is having a defibrillator installed today (3/15).
-Kevin's sister continues to be hospitalized for complications of asthma.     
-A "Gay and christian" organization is presenting and debating at Southwest Baptist University.  Some of our youth attend there.
-Lori's dad is doing better, but more investigation is to come.  Continue to pray for God's healing.


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