Thursday, August 12, 2010

Mid-Week Update!!!

Sunday Lesson Recap

On Sunday, we read and discussed about a man of honor...Boaz.  Read read the bulk of the story in Ruth 1:19-4:10.  We covered the famine and Ruth's dedication to Naomi.  It is so deep that she leaves her people and clan to go back with Naomi.

In Bethlehem, once the two women return, Noami is defeated.  Her husband and son's are dead.  She has no means of financial survival.

One day Ruth offers to go gleaning...gathering leftover barley.  The fields were close to the city of Bethlehem, where we find a relative of Naomi's husband, Boaz.

Boaz offered to keep Ruth safe in his fields.  He was kind to Ruth because of the way she had taken care of Naomi.  Ruth gleaned a lot of grain.  When this barley was presented, the mention of what Boaz did was mentioned. Boaz was a wealthy man, and for him to give pause to a gleaner was highly unusual.  What does this tell us about Boaz?

One day Naomi came to Ruth with a plan to "catch her man".  This plan works, and as a result Boaz and Ruth are married.  As we read the generational sections of the Word, we find that their descendants are David and Jesus!
Angle-Food-a-Rama this Sunday!!!  Bring your favorite topping.  Cakes will be provided for a snack feast! We already have folks signed up for strawberries, pudding, chocolate syrup, peaches, and cool whip.  Let get some more out there!

Birthday Wishes to Daniel Smith!  Hope your day is a good one!

Board Game Night

Our activity for September will be a board game night, coupled with a small bonfire.  The Massey's have offered to host this event, so watch for details coming soon!

Prayer Requests
  • Jeff and Ronda will be grandparents next spring.  Pray for a healthy baby.
  • Susan's mother had rotator cuff surgery yesterday. Pray for healing
  • Pray for wisdom for the church's financial situation.
  • Pray for the church staff...especially the prospective worship minister.
  • Pray for kids returning to school.  


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