Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Sunday Recap!!!

Wow.  Imagine this...the SPOT Blog update is here on time.  My apologies for the Blog being empty the past two weeks for personal reasons.  During that time a couple of birthdays got missed while the new server was down.  I missed Keith Cole's birthday on the 17the of July, and Rich Conrad's on the 25th.  Sorry guys!

Lesson Recap

This lesson was about Noah, and dogged determination. In Noah's time, things were so corrupt that God decided they had to go.  This included animals as well as people.  One of the main points of the story is Noah, and his obedience in carrying out God's instructions to build an ark.

In Genesis 6:9 we are told that Noah is a righteous man.  We are led to see this in his heritage which is listed in Gen 5: 21-32.  How important is is to pass our teens the spiritual torch?

Noah was given the task of building the ark by grace.  Grace in saving Noah and his family.  God gave Noah specific instructions on how to build the ark.  As usual, God had a perfect plan!  See some of God's other specific examples in Mt 5:43-44, Jn 9:11, and Mt 28:19.

Noah was 500 years old when he became a father, and 600 years old when the rains began.  Many of the years in between were spent building the ark.What steps can we take to have the steadfastness on Noah?  Do you think he ever grew weary of his task?

The results of all this were amazing.  First there was the Covenant found in Gen 9:12-17. which was the first covenant ever.  Then there was the burnt offering that Noah offered without any instructions from God, and pleased God very much.


...at the Muny this Saturday in the free seats!  Join us in line with sandwiches and drinks, as we wait in line for seats!  We will be meeting up at 5 PM on the 7th.  The review are great for this production...so join us!

CSM Meeting

This Sunday there will be a CSM meeting after class in the Rafters.  I really hope you can attend as some valuable info will be given out.  In addition this will also be the first time that the new 6th grade parents will be present, so we might even recruit some new members for our class!

 ...is coming on August 15th.  We have folks supplying the cakes...not YOU get to supply your favorite topping! 

Prayer Requests
  • Lesa Stewart got her new job!
  • Kevin and Susan's niece injured her ACL, MCL, and PCL playing soccer, and is undergoing surgery.
  • Melba, Ed Martin's sister, is undergoing chemo treatment for cancer.   

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