Tuesday, October 26, 2010

The Mid-Week Update!!

Lesson Recap

On Sunday we concluded our look at 1 Corinthians.  We continued our look at the answers Paul gave to the questions of the church in Corinth.  In 1 Corinthians 15 Paul took on what probably was the most important topic...the resurrection.  In verses 1-28 we saw that some members claimed there was no resurrection from the dead.  Specifically, they had doubts about believers resurrection.  While they did not dispute Jesus' resurrection, they couldn't see how His resurrection was a guarantee that God will do the same for all believers.

In verses 29-34 we see the implication of proper ethical behavior.  We must not just live for the present day, but remember that each days choices have eternal consequences.

In verses 35-58 Paul provided insight into the nature of resurrection.  Believers bodies will be perfectly suited for heaven and eternity. God's future provision enables Christians to have confidence in the present...and for eternity.

Class Picnic!!

The date has been set!  The SPOT class picnic is going to be held on November 7th.  The Location is Shelter 1 at Fenton Park.  Cost is $5 per person to cover meat and drinks.  Each family will need to also bring a side dish, or chips to share!  A sign up sheet will be passed in class next week...or you can email to thespotspot@charter.net with your reservation!  This event is always a lot of fun, so we'll see you there!

Prayer Requests

  • Pray for Alan Decker and issues with his ex-wife and child custody.  Currently, they share custody but she is seeking 100% so she can move from the area.
  • Pray for God's will in Emily Stubbs' life and future. 
  • Kevin is having surgery Thursday for a hiatal hernia repair.

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