Monday, October 11, 2010

Sunday Recap!!!

Lesson Recap

Continuing on our study of 1 Corinthians we covered two questions on Sunday.  These were "What should I do?" and What can I do?".

While in Ephesus, Paul received a report concerning the church in Corinth. Chapters 1-6 are his response to that report.  We looked at what chapter 7:1-5 said, and what we heard Paul say.  We also noted the issue he was addressing.  We know this would be a concern for the new church in Corinth, as new converts would want to abstain from any activity that reminded them of their previous lifestyle.

What Should I Do?

This section deals with marriage.  Statistics show that church members divorce at nearly the same rate as non-Christians.  We are parents of teens and soon will face the issue of marriage.  So how can believers discover Gods will regarding the person they should marry?  God has a plan for marriage, and the Bible tells us here:

Where to Begin: 7:10-11
When to Stay Married: 7:12-16 -Where we learn that the ultimate goal of a Christian marriage should be to glorify God.
When Not to Marry: 7: 32-35
When to Marry:7:36-39

To marry on not to marry...that is the question.   To divorce or stay married.  With the internet, songs, movies today, we would all agree it is more difficult for a young person to remain sexually pure today than we were our children's age.  How can believers support each other in maintain control over our emotions and impulses.

What Can I Do?

This portion of Paul's letter deals with the "gray" areas of life.  The "should I or shouldn't I" and "why or why nots" of life.  When you find yourself asking the question "What can I do?" base your decision on the following four questions:

Is it based on love? (8:1-3)
Will it harm others? (8:9-13, 10:23-24)
Is it evangelistic? (9:19-23)
Will it glorify God? (10:31-11:1)

Class Fall Picnic!!!

Set aside October the 24th for our fall picnic.  We will confirm the location on Sunday, but plan on plenty of grub and fellowship.  Details are as usual...$5 per person for meat and drinks (generic soda, waster and tea), all you bring is yourself and a side dish or chips!

Prayer Requests
  • Continued prayers for Rich and Linda Conrad 


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