Wednesday, December 1, 2010

The Midweek Update...

Lesson Recap

This past Sunday we finished our study of 1 and 2 Corinthians. We finished off with 2 Corinthians 10-13.  The tone here changes dramatically compared with the rest of the book.  Where before Paul was gracious, now he employs sarcasm and rebukes.He clearly intended to confront directly "certain people" ( 10:2 ) in the church who were undermining him and his ministry co-workers.  He still, however, wanted to salvage his Christian relationship with the majority of the church members.

Paul opens this section (10:1-18) with a personal plea for the Corinthians to listen to reason.  He belonged to God, and his motives were pure.  As opposed to others, Paul didn't brag about his achievements.  Rather he let the Lord do the commending.

In  2 Corinthians 11:1-20 Paul conveyed his concern for the Corinthians.  While not wanting to appear harsh, he would not back down from the so-called "super apostles" in the church.  Even though he had disdain for self promotion, Paul refused to allow his critics to undermine or otherwise damage his Christian service.  He was going to set the record straight!

That's exactly what he does in 11:21-12:13.  Rather than call attention to his knowledge, he recounts all of his struggles as evidence of his integrity and devotion to Christ.  Through all he had gone through he had learned that God's power is demonstrated in the midst of human weakness...not in the self-promotion of his critics.

2 Corinthians 12:14-21 establishes the issues involved in the dispute.  Paul did nothing fo monetary gain and only wanted to build up the Corinthians and to keep them from sin.
Paul's relationship with the church in Corinth was a Christian relationship.  How do you think that a Christian relationship differs from a non-Christian relationship?  They have a spiritual component!  As we think about improving relationships that are lacking we look at 4 tools that we need to have in out box.

1) Approach Courageously (10:1-3).  Paul had two accusations levied against him. (1) He was a coward in person but bold in his writing. (2) He was participating in worldly behavior. Paul could have used his authority as an Apostle to demand their submitting to him.  Instead he approached them as Christ would..gently and graciously.  If a pattern of criticism or neglect develops in a relationship, we also need to be courageous enough to address the issues.  This may mean confronting an accuser in a caring, humble matter.  Peace at any cost is not worth the price.

2) Challenge with God's Work (10:15-18) A fractured Christian relationship is a disruption of the love Christ want us to share with one another.  Such a fracture also hinders God's work.  Paul sees that false teachers had moved into Corinth...Paul's field of work.  They were self-promoters.  Paul wanted to avoid appearing in this activity.  His desire was to restore the relationship so he and the Corinthians could work together in expanding the reach of the gospel.  Paul purposely uses the word "boast" to draw a contrast between the false teachers and himself.  The former were boasting about themselves.  Paul's boasting was in the Lord about the work of the gospel accomplished in Corinth.  Later Paul talks about the issue of commending or promoting one's self.  The false teachers had moved into Paul's field of work and were self-promoters.  Paul tells the Corinthians the ones that are approved are the one who are commended by the Lord.  We must not think we can effectively tell others about God's mercy and love while harboring bitterness toward fellow Christians.  Better to restore that relationship...then work together in serving Christ.

3) Declare Any Concerns (12:14-18) Here Paul addresses a number of concerns:
  • He had not, and would not be a financial burden to them. v14
  • He was fully devoted to them, so why follow the false teachers? vv15-16
  • Look at the evidence...did Paul or any he sent exploit them like the false teachers did?  vv17-18
In following Paul's example of showing our concerns what could we hope to accomplish?

4) Seek to Strengthen (12:19) How can believers today make it certain they are trying to strengthen a fellow Christian rather than winning the argument or proving themselves right?  We need to reassure the other party that our motives are unselfish and that we seek their spiritual benefit.

SPOT Class Christmas Shindig

Mark the date!!!! Wednesday, December 22nd at 6:30PM will be the date for this great event.  It is being hosted by the Massey's.  College students and kids welcome.  Bring an appetizer and some holiday cheer..and plan on some great fellowship!

Prayer Requests

  • Continued prayers for Zenobia, as the chemo was rough for her this week.
  • Kevin's great aunt died on Thanksgiving morning.  Pray for her two sons.
  • Susan's godmother died on Wednesday. 
  • Pray for all the kids who face finals in early December.

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