Thursday, January 20, 2011

Mid-Week Update!!!

There is no lesson recap this week as your intrepid reporter was missing!  Here are other notes of importance, however!

SPOT Lunch

The SPOT lunch will be held this upcoming Sunday (23rd) right after class. It will be at Dickey's BBQ in Fenton. Plan to join us!!  You can plan ahead by looking at a menu here. 


I cannot be trusted with numbers!  I reported the date of the Big Chill Chili Dinner will be on March 19.  (Do we call this the Big Chili?)  It is not the 30th as I reported earlier.  I have changed all other references here on the blog to reflect this date.

SPOT Super Bowl Party

...will be on Super Sunday, February 6th.  ( I know I have this date right...I checked the NFL site!).  Graciously being hosted by the LaRowe's, this should be a great time of fun and fellowship!


  • 1/23  LaRowe
  • 1/30  vacant  
Prayer Requests

  • Many thanks for prayers on behalf of Liz Massey.  Her second, unplanned surgery seems to have gone much better.
  • Pray for success of the Life Groups which are now in the 3rd week of meetings.
  • Continued prayers for Zenobia.
And lastly...
...a little fun for the New Year found here. Push "Play" and enjoy!

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