Thursday, January 27, 2011

The Mid-Week Update!!!

Lesson Recap

This week we looked at 1 Kings 5-9.  After a historical context we specifically looked at Solomon's prayer and why we should pray.
  • Because God is faithful 8:22-24Solomon delivered a prayer of dedication.  Prayer of dedication can serve two purposes: 1) demonstrate honest communication with God on the part of the one expressing the prayer and 2) public prayer can serve to teach and edify fellow worshipers concerning God.  Assuming the first point to be true, what part of Solomon's prayer served to teach and edify the audience concerning God? What part reveals God's faithfulness?  How should this truth encourage us to pray?
  • Because God listens 8:27-27: In verse 28 Solomon uses three different Hebrew words for prayer, prayer (or intercession or request), plea (or petition. This term is related to the Hebrew word for 'grace', suggesting this kind of petition is a request for God's favor), and cry (to shout enthusiastically.  Usually a positive sense of crying out is inferred, but the word can also suggest a cry of desperation). We refer to prayer as a conversation with God.  Conversations require both a speaker and a listener.  We pray because we believe God listens.  Solomon portrayed his belief that this is so by using the three different words for prayer.  He stressed the truth that God hears us: He understands us, cares about us, and listens to us when we pray.
  • Because God responds: 8:38-39: According to verse 38, God would be hearing prayers ranging from the king's loftiest intercession for national concerns to a peasant child's cry for safety during a thunderstorm.  In verse 39 the terms forgive, act and deal with (repay) emphasize God's response to prayer.  All of these verbs underscore Solomon's conviction the God both hears and responds to the prayers of his people. As did Solomon, we believe that God listens to our prayers.  The proof is in chapter 9:13.  How should the truth, knowing God responds, impact our prayers?
  • Because everyone can 8:43: Solomon understood the temple was to be a place of prayer.  He anticipated that people outside the promised land (foreigners) would hear about the temple and the God who was worshiped there (8:41).  His thinking probably refers to the Lord's promise to Abraham in Genesis 12:3...all the peoples on the earth will be blessed through you.  Solomon envisioned the temple and prayers prayed in the temple as having potential evangelic results.  People could come to a saving knowledge of God!
Prayer can be either a monologue or dialogue.  What makes the difference?

SPOT Super Bowl Party

Mark your calendars for Sunday, Feb 6th.  This will be the date for this years Super Bowl party at the LaRowe's.  Bring what you want to eat and drink.  The fun and fellowship starts at 4:30.  Sign up on the sheet in the SPOT folder or email your confirmation to


We have starter to circulate the sign up sheet and the donation envelop.  I realize this is a bit early for Saturday the 19th, but I figured it would give us a head start.  The ingredients for the chili will be picked up before hand and cooked at church.  We will need hands to cook, serve and help clean up.  What a great way to be involved in ministry for our kids!

Prayer Requests

  • Liz Massey is back at college and continuing to recover from her eye surgeries.
  • The Proemseys and babies.
  • Zenobia's last chemo was Tuesday.  Her sister came to help from Texas.  An MRI indicates the tumor has shrunk considerably - good news because that means surgery will be much less of a deal.  Radiation treatment will follow.
  • Life Groups as they enter week #4.
  • Fine arts pastor search.
  • Pray for healing and comfort with the death of Linda Radick's father.
  • Continued prayers for Susan Hurt's mother.  They found a mass in her abdomen.  Her next step is to meet with a gynecologist and an oncologist to determine what happens next. 

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