Friday, January 7, 2011

SPOT News and Notes

 Lesson Preview

What to study next -- that is the question!

We have just completed a study of Paul's letters to the church at Corinth.  Pastor Gene is preaching from Paul's letter to the church in Rome and last month Larry Harder led a Wednesday night study of Paul's letter to the church in Philippi.  Therefore it appeared to me it might be a good time to give Paul a rest and study something from the Old Testament.

Admittedly, I do prefer teaching from the New Testament, consequently I need to study something from the "Other Testament" just for discipline's sake -- if for no other reason.  Another consideration for studying the Old Testament is this; every time a New Testament writer speaks of the "Scriptures" he is referring to the writings in the Old Testament.  The better we understand the Old Testament, the better we will comprehend the New Testament. 

Okay, have I adequately argued my case?  So this Sunday we will start a study of 1 and 2 Kings.  Now don't be confused! This is not about Elvis Presley.  Nor is it just a study of ancient Jewish history.  Our walk with the Kings will allow us to discuss topics like:
  • Does my character count?
  • Do my decisions matter?
  • Where's my future headed?

I'll look forward to seeing you Sunday at 10:30 as we start this new study. 


News From Zenobia

Dear Friends and Family,

Please excuse me if part of this email is on the delirious side.  I'm trying a new pain medication routine of just Aleve twice a day vs. ibuprof and Tylenol/Pergoset every 3 hours.  So far it is MUCH easier on my stomach, but the pain is a little more severe.  As of this moment, I've decided pain is better than feeling like a floating goat.

So...this Chemo #3 out of 4?  I'm almost done!  The good news/answered prayer is that I did not start having the muscle/body ache until about 3p today.  The past two chemos, the pain definitely started a day earlier. I also do not have the metal/enzyme taste in my mouth...yet.  So I was able to taste food today which was a nice change.  Even the stale fortune cookie I just ate was heaven!

We spent the holidays in Houston.  I will admit that I barely was strong enough to make it on the plane.  A special thanks to my friend Jean Deasy for coming the night before and helping me pack because I could not have done it without her.  But Thursday morning, I felt stronger and was able to get on the plane for our flight.  It was so wonderful to see family and family and family (I have 25 aunts and uncles), and just chill.  I also was able to see a few friends and spend a wonderful evening with some high school friends from almsot 30 years ago. 

As of my last doctor's appointment, we are unable to feel the lump on my boobie!  So obviously the chemo treatment is working!  Another answered prayer! I was also informed that 3 weeks after Chemo #4, I will have surgery, probably a lumpectomy, then 6 weeks of radiation (5 days/week) along with 17 infusions of Herceptin (1x/3weeks).  The side effects with radiation are mainly burning sensation, and for herceptin mainly some muscle ache upon waking in the morning.  Compared to the chemo side effects, I'm pretty sure the radiation and herceptin side effects will be a "blessing".  We just have to make sure that my heart continues to remain strong, esp with the infusions of herceptin.

Just knowing that you continue to pray for us, think about us, and share your unending support means so so much!  Jaclyn is hard at work in her school routine, as is Ryan.  I think Ryan however is under some stress since returning bc his mouth wiping has increased.  So pls pray for them, and especially for the tutors that help me on a daily basis.

To each of you who has emailed, called, texted, facebooked, sent cards, sent holiday cards, sent gift cards, come to help me at the house, all the blessings that have come our way - THANK YOU!  :) :) :)

Love you all, Zenobia

Blog Notes

Well, we finally got our internet the blog is back and running!  You'll notice a few changes as I've done some color changes.  Feedback is welcome at!  Also I have added some buttons on the bottom to help you share, email, or Facebook any blog entries you wish!  Enjoy!! 

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