Friday, February 11, 2011


Can you believe it -- our annual January thaw in February!  And just in time for Valentine's Day on Monday, guys.  You better not forget!

But the Greek god of love will not be the subject of our lesson this week.  We'll be discussing the actions of a prophet named Elijah.  Our lesson comes from 1 Kings 18:20 - 19:18.  It's a great story.  You may just want to read it prior to class!

In way of preparation, consider your answers to the following question:  Have you heard it said, ". . . not every hill is worth dying for"

This usually is associated with the idea of choosing one's battles wisely.  That would not be too far off from our discussion this week.  Sooner or later, all of us must choose A Hill on Which To Stand.  Come this Sunday and we will see how this lesson answers the question, Do My Decisions Matter? 

Prayer List 
  • Zenobia Perry's surgery planned for Feb. 17
  • The Hurt family at the death of Susan's great aunt 
Snacks This Week
February 13 -- Zenobia Perry


The SPOTclass will be cooking and serving chili during CSM's Big Chill weekend on Saturday, March 19.  We're currently collecting money  to buy the necessary ingredients.  You'll find the envelope in the SPOTfolder again this week.

If you have a favorite chili recipe, please pass it along.  We'll all team up in the church kitchen to prepare and serve the meal.  We want this to be a treat the kids won't soon forget!

Art of Marriage

Don't forget the Art of Marriage,  a two-day seminar at Concord  Friday and Saturday.  The meeting will be made up of six video sessions and lots of interactive discussion.  The seminar runs 7-9 p.m. on Friday and 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. on Saturday.

The cost of the seminar is $45.

CSM Trivia Night

Be sure to mark March 5 on your calendar so you don't miss CSM's annual Trivia Night.  You can sign up for a table ($120 for 8) or just come solo ($15).  As usual, there will be lots of prizes and a great silent auction!

Again this year, the SPOTclass plans to put together a basket or two, so check out some of the basket ideas in the SPOTfolder when it comes around this Sunday.

All proceeds from the Trivia Night support CSM's summer mission trips.

CSM Meeting Sunday

And speaking of summer mission trips, if you have a teenager planning to go on one of those trips, the first planning meeting will be held Sunday in the Rafters after the second service.

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