Saturday, March 5, 2011


Lesson Preview

The background material for this Sunday's lesson comes from 2 Kings, chapters 9 and 10.  The lesson focus is 9:16-32.

As we read this material, we are reminded that we live in a different day than the people we are studying.  Though they lived in different times and culture, has God changed?

We will be discussing kings from both Hebrew kingdoms.  Yes, we may find a few of the names difficult to pronounce, but we'll handle it.  The important thing is the application we find for our lives today.

In preparation for Sunday, consider this: Is it right to do the wrong or shady thing to accomplish a good outcome? I guess I might be a little more passionate about this subject as I have seen good people do some pretty terrible stuff in the name of the Lord - supposedly for the Lord.

This brings to mind words to a song, ". . . if loving you is wrong, I don't want to be right."  (Possible door prize to the first person on Sunday that can tell me who made this song popular and when.)  Speaking of Sunday, bring your insights, questions, and comments.  The title of this lesson will NOT be -- Do Something, Even If It Is Wrong.


Big Chill-i Dinner

We're expecting about 100 kids at the Big Chilli dinner on Saturday, March 19 that SPOTclass is preparing and serving during Big Chill.  Our planning meeting last Sunday set the menu and assigned areas of responsibility.  It's not too late for YOU to help, though!  You can:
  • Make a dessert (a sign-up sheet will be in this week's SPOTfolder)
  • Make a donation (it takes a lot of meat and beans to make chili for 100)
  • Join us in the kitchen on the 19th!  (Can't cook?  There'll be dishes to wash.)

CSM Trivia Night is Saturday

Don't miss Trivia Night tomorrow (Saturday).  There will be at least one SPOTtable and we'll be gunning for first place.  Don't miss it!

Easter Eggstravaganza

. . . will be on Saturday, April 16, from 8:30 -11:30 a.m.  If you can help, please add your name to the sign-up sheet in the SPOTfolder.  Volunteers are needed to:
  • serve in a game room
  • serve in a craft room
  • help supervise and hide eggs for the Easter Egg hunt
  • donate a gift basket
Questions?  See Debbie Elder or Lanny McFarland.

  • March 6 -- Stubbs
  • March 13 -- Robbins

Prayer List
  • Zenobia's recovering from yet another surgical procedure
  • Kevin Hurt's sister who's been laid off from her Wisconsin teaching job

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