Wednesday, May 25, 2011

The Mid-Week Update!!!

Lesson Recap

1st Thessalonians 2:17-3:13
When Others Cared for You

Men, have you ever sent flowers to someone you love?  Women, have you ever received flowers from someone you love?  Why does it mean so much to people to receive flowers from someone you love?  

"The young pastor was asked to meet with the deacons at the insistence of an irate Sunday school teacher who had felt slighted by the pastor.  He has apologized to her and tried to correct his accidental oversight, but the wasn't enough for her.  Just before the meeting, a crisis arose with a young couple in the church.  The wife was critically ill, and her husband was distraught.  They called for their pastor.  He sent word to the deacons that he would be at the hospital.  He sat and prayed with the man all night.  Though the pastor knew that his ministry was hanging by a thread, his concern for the couple was greater.  His action demonstrated his concern for others even when he himself was hurting."

Think of an example of demonstrating care for someone else when you are in the midst of crises, pain or conflict. In this lesson we saw Paul being transparent about his loving concern for the Thessalonians in the midst of his own concerns.

2:17-20 Personal Words
In this passage we see Paul using personal and emotional words.  Find some examples.  Why do you think that Paul was so emotional in his writing?  Of the 4 terms that Paul used for the Thessalonians-hope, joy, crown, and glory, which one would you most desire someone use to describe you, and why?

3:1-5 Encouraging People
What does it mean to encourage?  It means to instill courage.  What do you think were Paul's motives for encouraging the Thessalonians?  When was a time you were in need of encouragement and God sent someone your way?

3:6-10 Affirming Words
In general terms, what report did Timothy give regarding the believers in Thessolonica?  What signs might we look for that would indicate a believer is standing firm in the Lord?  Would you say it is more affective to affirm or correct? Another term for affirmation is positive reinforcement.  Psychology tells us it is much more affective to affirm someone when doing something positive than correct the person when doing something wrong.  Why would you say this is so?
Each of us are challenged to find a situation to affirm our teen at least 5 of the 7 days this week.

3:11-13 Loving Prayers
In these three verses Paul makes 3 prayer requests.  They are:
  1. He is verifying that Jesus is equal to God, an essential point in this day and time.
  2. Increase and overflow are words of abundance.  Love is the greatest Christian virtue (1 Cor. 13)
  3. Holiness is a heart matter.  Paul desires they be ready to meet Jesus in as holy a state as possible at the unknown time of His return.
  1. We show concern for other Christians by offering them personal words of encouragement.
  2. We show concern for other believers by putting them in contact with those who will encourage them and help them grow spiritually. 
  3. We show concern for other Christians by making encouraging statements to them.
  4. We show concern for other believers by praying for them to make spiritual progress. 

    Memorial Day

    There is only one service at 10:30 AM this week, so class will not be meeting.  See you in two weeks!

    Muny Voting

    ...will continue for a but more.  The voting sheet will be kept in the SPOTfolder.  Vote for your fave! 

    2011 Graduates Party

    Both high school and college graduates are invited to attend a celebration BBQ in their honor at Suson Park.  The party will be Sunday, June 25th, after 10:30 AM worship.  Pass this info along to your graduate!

    Annual Strawberry Festival 

     This event will happen at the Baptist Children's Home on June 4th from 9AM-3:30 PM.  The event really needs our help.  You can sign up to work a shift and you can donate milkshake supplies (i.e. chocolate syrup, canned pineapple, etc).  You can also donate old blenders or blender parts.  Information, or to sign up, can all happen at the Welcome Center, or you can contact Bill McKee at 314-894-2545.

     Baseball Tickets

    Each year Brad Slinkard offers the SPOTclass tickets for a summertime Cardinal game at discounted rates. This year's game is on Saturday, June 18 against our cross state rival, the KC Royals.  Tickets in this section are normally $37, but they're available through Brad at just $15. That's much better than StubHub and these are a genuine bargain with no pesky processing or delivery fees.  And you don't even have the use the ink in your printer.  In exchange for your $$$ you actually get a real ticket.    It's a good Father's Day gift (as that is Father's Day "Eve").  There's (virtually) no limit on the number of tickets you can purchase for your family and friends. Tickets are in section  372 of the Left Field Pavilion (right above Big Mac Land).  Contact Brad Slinkard at 314-494-5081 or email at

    Blood Drive

    There will be a blood drive at church on Monday, June 13th from 3-7 PM.  You can sign up in the Atrium, or visit (use sponsor code 'Concord Church'). 

    Concord's 4th Annual Car Show

    ...will be on Saturday, June 4th from 4PM to 9PM.  This is always a fun event!  Details can be found here.

    Vacation Bible School

    ...NEEDS VOLUNTEERS!!!   Adult volunteers are needed for a number of area's.  For more info or to volunteer contact Debbie Elder, 314-843-3500, or


    • 5/29 No Class-Memorial Day
    • 6/5 LaRowe
    • 6/12 Decker


    Prayer Requests

    • Carolyn Amen is out of ICU and still slowly recovering.
    • Zenobia is done with chemo, surgeries and radiation!
    • Zenobia's dad has been diagnosed with early dementia.  Pray that the doctors and treatments will be accurate and slow down the illness as much as possible.
    • Prayers for Fine Arts Pastor. 
    • Prayers for all those affected by the massive damage from the tornado's throughout Missouri, and the US. 


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