Saturday, May 14, 2011


Lesson Preview

We continue our study of 1st Thessalonians.  Be sure read ahead into Chapters 2 & 3 and you should be able to keep up with our fearless leader.

Baseball Tickets

Each year Brad Slinkard offers the SPOTclass tickets for a summertime Cardinal game at discounted rates. This year's game is on Saturday, June 18 against our cross state rival, the KC Royals.  Tickets in this section are normally $37, but they're available through Brad at just $15. That's much better than StubHub and these are a genuine bargain with no pesky prossessing or delivery fees.  And you don't even have the use the ink in your printer.  In exchange for your $$$ you actuallly get a real ticket.    It's a good Father's Day gift (as that is Father's Day "Eve").  There's (virtually) no limit on the number of tickets you can purchase for your family and friends. Tickets are in section  372 of the Left Field Pavillion (right above Big Mac Land).  Contact Brad Slinkard at 314-494-5081 or email at

Snacks Schedule

May 15 = Massey
May 22 - Luther
May 29 - MEMORIAL DAY - No class

Prayer List

Carolyn Amen's recovery is very very slow, but steady

Fine Art's ministry

Tornado and flood victims

Traveling students

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