Thursday, June 30, 2011

The Mid-Week Update!!!

Lesson Recap
 1st Thessalonians 5:1-11
Consider Where You Are Going
Do You Get Along With Others? 

"Isn't it a shame about Harmony Baptist?" Louise phoned Betty with news she had just learned from her next door neighbors, the Martins. "Jim Martin serves as a deacon at Harmony.  It looks like they are in conflict again," Louise continued.  
"What's going on this time?" Betty asked.
"Three years ago the problem was music styles.  The whole choir quit and the pastor had hastily relocated to another church.  Well, Jim says their new pastor's just not working out.  He spends too much time on the internet and he does not visit like the other pastor did.  They've called a special deacon's meeting to confront the pastor.  The church is in an uproar."
Betty was silent for a moment.  She was recalling a few years back, the year Grace Baptist where she and Louise were members, had almost split.  The sense of conflict and confrontation had intensified almost to the breaking point.  Only in a last hour, heroic effort led by the deacon chairman and the pastor had kept the church together.
For more than five years, peace had prevailed.  Betty and Louise often told each other how glad they were for the unity at Grace.  God had blessed their church recently with a number of new members, including adult conversions and baptisms.
Church conflict is never inevitable, but it has become all too common.  The lesson this week was designed to help us think about the importance of getting along in the church.  Why is it important believers get along especially in the church?
What are some unusual ways you have seen duct tape used?  Sealing tape is the choice of many as they get packages ready to mail as it will stick together.  This part of Paul's letter was an encouragement for the church to stick together.

Respect Leaders 12-13
This congregation was only a few months old.  They were doing many things right, but misunderstandings and personality clashes were inevitable.  Paul was asking them all to show respect toward the leaders among them. Believers at every level of spiritual growth are found in every church.  We must recognize and value the importance of every member if our chirch is going to function as god desires.
According to 1 Peter 2:9 we are all members of a "priesthood" of believers.  God has given gifts to His people, and among them gifts of leadership.  We must accept these leaders as the shepherds God has appointed to lead us.

Reach Out To One Another 14-15
Paul addresses a difficult area of ministry within the body of believers in these verses.  He talks about correcting and admonishing those within the fellowship whose actions or attitudes cause distractions.  Why is it so difficult to deal with divisive issues and individuals within the church family?  It is necessary because if it is allowed to continue disruption will fester and spread like a disease.  Sometimes this can create irreparable damage to both individuals and the organization.

Worship With One Another 16-22
Paul gives three exhortations in vv 16-18.  These are to be joyful, pray, and give thanks.  These are related to the inner life of a Christian.  Joy is a spiritual state that overcomes trouble.  In a state of joy we can remain in constant communication with God.  It is a result of these first two that we are able to give thanks.  Paul justified the exhortation by stating that it was God's will for every believer.
In moving from vv 16-18 to 19-22 we notice a shift from personal conduct to how the Spirit works in public worship.  This is how Paul wanted his readers to understand the Spirit's function in our worship:
v 19- general statement to be explained by the following.
v 20-honor God's word whether written or spoken.
v 21-test what we hear by allowing the Holy Spirit to verify its truth.
v 22-we must hold to what has benefited the growth and stability of the church.

Pray for One Another 23-28
The tightest bonds between Christians, even more binding than duct tape, are built when we pray together. In reading verses 23-24 we see things that Paul prayed for the church.  These are 1)sanctify you, 2) your total being kept blameless, and 3) God's faithfulness.  What was Paul requesting for each?

Conclusion: How will I react when I encounter someone or something I do not agree with?  Will I think about Paul's instructions in his letter to the church in Thessalonica?  What might be the outcome if I did? 

No Class

There is no class this week as there is only service at 10:L30 due to the holiday weekend.


SPOT Activities

Don't forget that our group activities are now located on the right column of this blog!  If you have a Goggle, Facebook or any number of others, you can sign in and let us know if you are right here on the blog!  Of course, we will continue putting the sign up sheets in the SPOT folder.

3rd Annual SPOT Camping Trip
July 10th will be the last day to sign up for our camping trip.  We need to make reservations by then.  Currently there is only one family that is signed up, so we are in danger of cancelling. 

Prayer Requests
  • Neil and his job
  • Liz Massey saw the doctor on Monday due to a skin rash/reaction to something.   Pray for a speedy recovery.
  • Brad Slinkard has a close family friend named Esther that had a stroke and is in St. Clare hospital.
  • The youth are in South Dakota.  Pray for safe traveel, meaningful work, and great memories. 
  • Allen Decker has his court date coming up on July 5th about child custody.

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