Friday, October 21, 2011

Lesson Preview!!!

Teens do what teens do.  One of the things they do is date.  This boy - girl thing has been going on for quite some time and I see no end in sight.  I often referred to one of my child's relationships as the "flavor of the week".  But sooner or later one of these relationships takes hold and lasts.  When a relationship starts getting pretty serious there comes the time for a "defining the relationship" talk.  Some times this "DFR" talk occurs by design and other times it just happens.

God has a defining the relationship conversation with Israel in this week's study.  One more thing, this conversation did not just happen - it was by divine design.  The background passage for this week is Exodus 19:1 - 24:18.  Our study will come from chapter 20 verses 1-17.

Just for fun, can you recall your "DFR" talk?  What was the setting?  Was it by design or did it just happen?  Who took the initiative?  After you and your mate agree on the answers - you may look for an opportunity to share this piece of history with your teen(s). 

Hope to see you Sunday,

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