Thursday, October 6, 2011

The Mid-Week Update...Express Edition!!!

Late Class

Remember that class may run a little late this week. The church service may run long due to the business meeting to vote on Brian Mulder to be our new worship pastor.  Also, don't forget that you can meet Brian at one of two times prior to the vote.  You can meet him in the Atrium on Thursday night (tonight) at 7PM, or in the Atrium on Saturday, Oct. 8th at 9AM.


  • 10/9 BRADSHAW
  • 10/23 PERRY
  • 10/30 LAROWE

Prayer Requests

  • Jeff and Ronda's son Jason got engaged last Sunday!
  • Allen (Don and Lori's oldest son) is recovering from a concussion.
  • Brian Mulder; prospective worship/fine arts pastor, and Ben Wahlman and the student ministry.
  • Kim Hultgren-Ginger and Phil niece-is on a 6 month mission trip to Swaziland.
  • Kevin took a spill at home and has possible bone fragments in his knee.  MRI upcoming!  (This is also the reason that the Blog is a little late this week!)

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