Monday, January 23, 2012

Update on Rich Conrad's Dad

Thank you for your prayers for my father-in-law. As you know from an email I asked Taryn to send...Rich's Dad had a massive stroke. It occurred sometime during the night after we all went to bed on Saturday night. We found him with slurred speech in his bed Sunday morning when we were getting ready for church. His whole left side was unresponsive, and we called 911 right away.
After a long hard day at St. Clare Hospital...he fought till the end, and he died last night at 11:34 p.m.
His body will be sent home to Kansas, and the funeral will be at a funeral home in LaCrosse, Kansas.
We will be making arrangements today with Rich's brother Roy (the one who had 2 strokes in the fall and who lives in Dad's hometown of McCracken, KS), and it may be this weekend. 
Please also pray for Brian Carosone's Aunt Barb as she went in the hospital yesterday throwing up blood. She was recently diagnosed with pancreatic cancer.

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