Thursday, February 2, 2012

The Mid-Week Update!!!

Lesson Recap
God's Divine Guidance

Summary of Background Material:
9: 1-14 Moses gave directions to the Israelites from the Lord regarding the first observance of Passover in the wilderness.  Special accommodations were made for those who unintentionally became ceremoniously unclean and thus were unable to observe the festival at the appointed time.  An allowance was also made for non-Israelites traveling with the congregation.  Such people could join in the celebration if they desired.

9: 15-23 The People were instructed concerning when they were to move and when they were to camp.  God determined their movements, and the symbols of His presence were a cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night.  The people were to move when the cloud moved, and to camp when it stopped.  As long as the cloud remained stationary, the people were to stay in that place.

10: 1-10 God provided additional guidance for the nation through the use of trumpets.  The trumpets provided auditory signals for the people in moving, seeking the Lord's help, and in worship.  The fact that the priests were instructed to sound the trumpets indicated the guidance was ultimately from the Lord.

   What do the letters GPS stand for?  they stand for Global Positioning System.  They are used to avoid getting lost or off track.  In this weeks study, we learned that God graciously provides guidance for His people, enabling them to follow Him in all situations.  God's will is our divine GPS.  Our responsibility is to seek and follow it.
     As for our study-God provided physical and spiritual directions for the recently liberated people of Israel.  They were going to Canaan (a geographical place), but the Lord also wanted them to travel a spiritual road to holiness in their relationship with Him.  Look at the first passage of this lesson-determine if it's instruction is spiritual or physical in nature.

When Commands Are Clear: Obey 1-5
The instruction here  is spiritual.  The commands presented were to observe Passover, and when to do so. (Also see Ex. 12: 1-14, Lev. 23:5, and Deut1 16: 1-7)  How did the clarity of God's commands bring about obedience?  The answer is in verse 5.  Has there ever been a time when God's Word appeared unclear regarding an issue for you?  What are we to do when God's Word seems unclear regarding a given situation?  Take a look at the next passage, and what it has to say.

When Complications Arise: Pray 6-11a
This passage relates to a spiritual instruction.  The complication in this passage is the inability to observe Passover.  Remember from last week's lesson that unclean=sin. In 6-8 Some men were concerned about not being able to observe Passover.  In 9-11a it is resolved.  How do you see God's grace manifested in this situation?  How is this a picture of God's grace manifested in Jesus?  God's people in every generation often struggle to make wise decisions about issues not specifically addressed in God's Word.  As we prayerfully seek God's will in such issues here are some principles to keep in Mind:
  1. We can ask God to help us identify any unconfessed sin in our lives. Disobedience prevents us from discovering God's will, and repentance needs to precede petition for guidance.
  2. We can study God's Word for examples of how others faced similar issues.
  3. We can seek the counsel and intercession of wise Christians, some of whom may have faced the similar situations.
  4. We can write out the pros and cons of each decision based on the right priorities to God, family, and others.
  5. We can ask the Holy Spirit to guide us to make the decisions that honor God.

When Guidance Is Delayed: Stay 15-+19
In this passage the Lord is giving physical direction. This passage describes the method God used to guide and direct His people in the direction He wanted them to go.  God's will in the movement of His people was not regular, and the schedule was not provided in advance.  The uncertainty may have cause some anxiety among some in the camp.  Some might have wanted to move when the cloud stayed still, while others might have wanted to stay longer when the cloud began to move.  How is this similar to the Christian life today?  There was a spiritual purpose behind the method God chose to guide His people through the wilderness.  He wanted to teach the Israelites to trust Him and to be patient.  How is this similar to the Christian life today?

Truth: God graciously provided guidance for His people so they can follow Him in all situations.
Conclusion: To succeed in life I must find and follow God's will that serves as my divine GPS. 

SPOT Super Bowl Party being held at the Hurt's this up coming Sunday starting around 5.  You can find us using the map in the upper right hand corner of this blog, or you can email me at (Let the house cleaning begin!!) 

     The youth are having a party of their own at the Howard's.  On Superbowl Sunday, they will be meeting at their house at 5 pm till the game is over. For those of you that do not feel like driving out to Pevely, we understand, that is why we are offering a shuttle to and from the Howard’s house. The shuttle crew will meet at the church at 4:30 pm to leave. We will arrive back at the church 40 mins after the game. Hopefully, that will help you schedule your Superbowl evening and take the pressure off being a chauffer. If you would like directions to the Howard’s, there are flyers up in the Rafters that have directions. 

SPOT Lunch
...has been postponed until Sunday, Feb. 12th due to the parent's meeting last week.  It will be at Fazoli's on Jeffco in Arnold.  Come join us for food and fellowship!

  • 2/5 Perry
  • 2/12 Hurt
Prayer Requests
  • Sally LaRowe Baker got a real job as an administrator with the Chicago Symphony.
  • Stubb's family friends daughter who is struggling with addiction.  
  • Zenobia, and her decision on whether to do surgery on 1 or 2 hands at a time
  • Zenobia's dad and his declining health.  Pray for patience for her mom
  • Pray for the missions cruise.
  • Phil's sister-in-law lost her job last Friday.
  • Kevin's friend Ron, who is struggling with some major health issues.   

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