Thursday, February 16, 2012

The Mid-Week Update!!!

Lesson Recap

Be Aware of God's Care 22:4-6, 31-35 & 23: 19-23

Summary of Background Material: This week's background passage covers a period that includes events that occurred during the Israelites' encampment at Kadesh and on their journey through the wilderness as well as throgh around the territories of Edom and Moab.
16:1- 17:13 A Levite named Korah challenged the leadership of Moses and Aaron over the people of Israel.  The rebellion was stopped when God supernaturally destroyed the opponents and sent a plague among the Israelites as divine punishment.  God demonstrated His choice of Aaron and his descendents as priests.
18:1-19:22 God gave instructions concerning the duties of the Levitical priests.  The Israelites were instructed to provide for the Levites through tithes when they entered Canaan.  Chapter 19 describes the sacrifice of a red heifer whose ash mixed with water was essentail to a purification rite.
20:1-21:35 Moses described the deaths of his siblings, Miriam and Aaron.  The Israelites complained of a lack of water at Kadesh, and God commanded Moses to speak to a rock to obtain water.  Moses' anger in striking rather than speaking to the rock resulted in his ban from entering the promised land.  God saved the Israelites from an attack by a Canaanite king of Arad; then He had to punish the Israelites themselves for their grumbling and complaining about His provision.  God later provided a way of healing for those who would believe and obey Him.
22:1-25:18  As the Israelites approached the territory of Moab, the king of Moab hired a pagan diviner to place a curse on Israel.  God providentially directed the diviner in producing four oracles of blessing concerning the Israelites. God commanded the execution of Israelite men who committed acts of idolatry and immorality with the Moabite women.  Subsequently, God allowed Israel to defeat the Midianites.

In a universe created and ruled by the Sovereign Lord, there are no random acts.  The Lord may not always prevent hurt or harm, but He has a plan and purpose for each believer's life.  What do you think about this statement?

Intro: Israel was nearing the end of 40 years of wandering that came as a punishment for their lack of faith at Kadesh.  During this time, Aaron died and was buried.  As the Israelites began to make their way toward the eastern edge of the promised land, a number of kings attacked the congregation in an effort to drive the Israelites from their territory.  However, the Lord gave His people victory, and the Israelites' reputation increased, causing the Moabites and the Midianites to demand their leaders do something to halt the Israelites.  In this lesson we saw how God turned the evil intentions of the Israelites' enemies into Blessings for His people.

Some Will Oppose God's People 22:1-30
After reading these verses we can note the following things:  In v12 we see God's perfect will.  In v13 we see Balaam omit that the Israelites are blessed.  We see the result of Balaam's omission in v15. In v20 there is a problem with interpretation here-the NIV reads "since", but the KJV reads "If".  "If" is closer as God was testing Balaam, and his willingness to obey.  in v21 we see God's test being subverted by Balaam's impatience. v22 makes sense after the proper translation as noted above-See 2 Peter 2:14-15.  Change and misunderstanding were the reasons the kings of Moab And Midian wanted to oppose Israel.  These are the same reasons that God's people are oppressed today.

God Brings Good Where Some Intend Evil 22:31-38
After reading the verses we see the following things: In v29 we note that Balaam was concerned with his image.  In v34 Balaam confesses to the sin of beating the donkey and not waiting as the Lord commanded in v20.  In v34 Balaam volunteers to "go back" since God had not given him permission to go.  In v35 we see God's permissive will (we should pay attention to results of God's permissive will).  In v38 we see that there is no message for Balaam to give the kings of Moab and Midian.  The results of God's submissive will was that Balaam would declare God's word before them, and the result of that.
How far Was God willing to go to stop Balaam from doing harm to Israel?  When harm does come our way, does it mean that God doesn't care?  God protected Balaam and he wasn't even aware of it at the time.  God oftentimes does the same for you and me.

God Never Ceases To Care For His People 23:19-23
According to v19, God is different than man in His truthfulness, His dependability, and His unchanging nature. Look at 22:35.  The command that Balaam received was to bless Israel.  Balaam could not change this command, because even though he was a powerful man, he was limited to what God permitted him to do. In v21 what does it mean for Israel that God was with them?  For us it means that we are never alone.Even when we are unaware of God's presence, He is there guiding and protecting us.  Often He protects us from harm.  Sometimes He allows our persecution and suffering, but walks with us through it.

Truth: God is able to protect and care for us.  He sometimes does so providentially without our activity or immediate awareness.

Conclusion: Based upon the message in 23:23, I will consider the great things God has done for my family and me.

Trivia Night... coming up on March the 3rd, from 6PM to 9PM.  This event benefits the youth mission trip in the summer.  Gather your team and come for the fun.  Details were in the church program.  In addition, we are making a movie night basket for the silent auction.  For those who have singed up to contribute to this, we need to have everything in by next Sunday (the 19th) so we can turn it in on time by the 25th.


  • 2/19 Robbins
  • 2/26 OPEN
  • 3/4 Stubbs
  • 3/11 Meinhardt
Prayer Requests
  • Jeanette got a job, pending blood test and fingerprinting.
  • For Pam Stanfield, who is suffering severe pain with her back problems.
  • Continued healing for Zenobia after her hand surgery.

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