Thursday, February 23, 2012

The Mid-Week Update!!!

Lesson Recap

NUMBERS -16:1-25:18
My Focus 32:1, 5-8,16-18,20-24; 33:51-53

Summary of Background Material: The final chapters of Numbers include various lists, including a second census. and inventory of captured goods, a travelogue of the journey from Egypt to the plains of Moab, and the names of leaders who would participate in allotting the land to the Israelite families.  Also included are a cross-section of stories, instructions, and laws as well as the directions for establishing cities of refuge in the promised land.
26:1-27:23 God commanded a second census of Israel's men (excluding the tribe of Levi) who were at least 20 years old.  The promised land was to be divided by lot according to the size and needs of the tribes.  An unusual case involving the death of Zelophehad resulted in his daughters inheriting his land.  Joshua was commissioned to succeed Moses and lead Israel into Canaan.
28:1-30:16 Instructions were given for various offerings as a new generation prepared to enter Canaan.  Instructions were also given concerning vows for men and women.
31:1-33:56 God instructed Moses to direct the army of Israel to destroy Midian.  The was was an act of divine retribution for the Midianites' previous attempt to destroy Israel.  The tribes of Reuben and Gad requested land in the Transjordan because of their large flocks and herds.  Permission was granted after they agreed to help take Canaan with the other tribes.  A final recounting of the travels of Israel from Egypt to Canaan and instructions about occupying Canaan are recorded in chapter 33.
34:1-36:13 Instructions were given for the distribution of the land and the borders of Israel.  Additional instructions were given for establishing Levitical cities of refuge.

Intro: Believers have a personal relationship with God as well as a communal one.  In looking at the various levels of Christian community each of us share, we see our connection class, small groups, Concord Church, the Metro St. Louis Baptist Association, the MO Baptist Convention, the SBC, all the way up to believers worldwide.  The people of Israel faced another test before entering the promised land of Canaan.  Their unity and ultimately their success in possessing the promised land were threatened when two Israelite tribes requested to settle in the attractive pasture-lands east of the Jordan River (the Transjordan).  Moses reminded these tribes that obeying God involves perticipating in a cause bigger than themselves.  A question each of us should consider in this lesson is:  How does God want to use me in fulfilling His purposes for His people.

It's Not About Me 32:1,5-8
What request did the tribes of Reuben and Gad make?  What concerns did Moses have with this request?  These two tribes wanted to do their own thing.  How could their decision discourage the other tribes?  In making decisions we need to focus not just on what's good for me, but on what best serves God's larger agenda.  What guiding questions might I help ask to help me with this?

Others Minded 32:16-18
The two tribes approached Moses with a plan that included three aspects:
  1. Helping the Israelite brothers take the promised land
  2. providing protection for their families and herds
  3. getting the land they wanted.   
The two tribes' plan involved helping others achieve their goals before settling down in their new home.

Obligations 32:20-24
Why would it have been a sin for Reuben and Gad not to do what they said they would? It would have been a failure to help (See Jas 4:17). We cannot separate our relationship with God from our relationship with other believers.  Therefore, do you think God holds us accountable for helping others fulfill His purposes for them?  When we help others fulfill God's purposes, we please God.  What about the other side of the coin?

God's People 33:51-53
God's purpose here was to subdue and settle the land.  How was God's purpose bigger than any one individual or tribe?  What do you see as God's purpose for the group of believers called Concord Church?  How do you see your role in contributing to those purposes?

Truth: When we are in harmony with God, His purpose for our life will include our personal goals and plans.

Conclusion:  I will ask God to help me stay focused on fulfilling His purposes for my life.

Trivia Night just around the corner.  It is on March 3.  Doors and silent auction open at 5, trivia starts promptly at 6.  Details are in the upper right hand corner of this blog!  Sign up at the church office.  Also, for those who signed up to donate movie items for the silent auction, we need to have them no later than Sunday the 26th so they can make the baskets!

  • 2/26 Zenobia
  • 3/4 Stubbs
  • 3/11 Meinhardt

Prayer Requests
  • For teens and the pressure they face
  • Zenobia -thankful that her surgery went well, and thanks for her sister who came in from Fort Worth to help her with everything
  • Neil, Jeanette and Jeff's childhood friends daughter, Missy, was in a car accident and has massive head injuries


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