Thursday, March 29, 2012

The Mid-Week Update

Lesson Recap

Deuteronomy 27:1-30:20
Be Repentant 30:1-8,15-20
Last Time We Met: God warned His people to be honest and fair with each other.   He also instructed those who judged to do so with integrity.  Reason being, when God's people treat their fellow man with honesty and fairness they demonstrate God-like characteristics.  When judges judge honestly they judge as God does.  When God's people demonstrate similar behavior in today's world-they too demonstrate God-like qualities.

Summary of Background Material:  As Moses prepared the new generation of Israelites to enter the promised land, he taught them God's law and the holy ways God expected them to live.  In this section of Deuteronomy, Moses called the people to solidify their devotion to the Lord God by renewing the covenant.
Preserving and Affirming God's Law 27:1-26
Blessings and Curses Associated with Obedience and Disobedience 28:1-68
Standing Before and Returning to the Lord 29:1-31:10
Choosing Life or Death 30:11-20

Introduction: A lot of country music deals with cheating on a spouse.  What are some other acts of unfaithfulness we see in our society?  Broken relationships  are just one affect of unfaithfulness.  All throughout our studies of Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy we have noticed the Israelites in a cycle of obedience-disobedience-repentance-restored relationship.  This lesson reminds us when God's people disobey, it is necessary for us to repent in order to have a restored relationship with Him.

The first generation of Israelites freed from Egyptian slavery received the law and agreed to the covenant at Mt. Sinai.  Sadly, a disastrous failure of faith at Kadesh-barnea prevented that generation from entering the promised land.  Fast forward 40 years.  Despite the present generation's verbal commitment to the covenant, Moses knew that future generations would rebel and experience the severe discipline of God.

Repentance is Possible 30:1-5
Why might Moses assume the people would stray from God and need restoration?  In verse 3 we see three things that God will do when Israel returns to Him after a time of rebellion.  
  1. restore fortunes
  2. have compassion (see Ps. 103:8-13)
  3. gather them back to Israel   
What do the prophecies concerning Israel's future falling away and offer of restoration suggest to you about God?  What is the message here for people who feel God could never forgive them for what they've done?

God Works in Repentant Hearts 30:6-8
How is a heart that has been circumcised different than before?   To circumcise your heart means to change your heart or cut away the thick calluses on your heart.  God transforms the hearts of those who come to Him in repentance.  He cuts away the hardened, rebellious parts and leaves a heart that is soft toward Him.  When we mess up spiritually, the things we can change ourselves or to stop sinning, admit our wrongdoing, and apologize to the offended.  Why are we unable to repent of sin without God's enablement?  Only God can address the source of our sinfulness by transforming the heart and giving us a desire to obey Him. When one repents and experiences spiritual circumcision, he will love the Lord with all his heart and soul (see Mt. 3:8).

Life Comes Down to a Choice 30:15-20
As we read these verses we might see a picture of a road with a fork in it.  The two prongs would be faithfulness and unfaithfulness.  Faithfulness leads to life and prosperity, where unfaithfulness leads to death and adversity.  Assuming the principle of these words were applicable to you and me today, what is God's message to us?  Look at v 20.  You will note the words, "He is your life".  What does that phrase mean to you?

Conclusion: As a result of today's lesson, I will search my heart and repent of any unfaithfulness to the Lord.

Baseball Tickets

 Brad Slinkard, once again, has plenty of tickets to the Cardinal's game on Saturday, June 16th at 1:15 for the Cardinals/Royals game. He is opening it up to the SPOT class again. Tickets are normally 32.00 for this game but getting them for only $17.00 so almost 1/2 off. Please see him at church or respond here (or call) and let me know if you'd like any. It's also Purina Pet day where you get a Dog bowl for your pet =)......

Brad Slinkard
  • 4/1 Stanfield
  • 4/8 EASTER- No Class
  • 4/15 Hurt
  • 4/22 Perry

Prayer Requests

  • Phil's friends (Tim and Terri) son who was 25 years old died.  Pray for this family.
  • Pray for Ed Stanfield that God would grant him wisdom in his job search.
  • Pray for Don and Lori as they are called to minister to a neighbor that had a massive stroke.

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