Friday, March 16, 2012

The Rather Late Mid-Week Update...

My apologies for the delay, had a bit of a technical glitch here!

Lesson Recap

DEUTERONOMY 12:1-16:17
Be Different 14:1-2, 9-11,19-23

Last Time We Met: All of us face change in life. Israel was about to enter the promised land and their life was about to undergo significant change.  They were going to be faced with confrontation and temptation unlike anything they have ever known.  God instructed them regardless of circumstances.  He wanted them to maintain exclusive devotion to Him.

The Lost Lesson: This lesson guided us to passionately affirming that God is our source of life and well being.  Read the following: Love That Shows Priority 6:4-9.  Devotion That Never Forgets 6:10-14,  Grace That Is Undeserved 7-6-9.  How well do these verses help us passionately affirm that God is the source of our life and well-being?

Summary of Background Material:  Chapters 12-16 includes a variety of laws, regulations,and instructions God Gave the Israelites to govern their behavior as His covenant people.  Topics covered included: worship, diet, generosity, and celebrations.  Results being that God's people are about to be a different people.

Introduction: Our teen children face tremendous pressure by their peers to fit in-to be like everyone else.  But we adults also face this pressure.  When was the last time you felt pressured by your peers to be like everyone else?  This lesson challenged us to exhibit a lifestyle that reflect a right relationship with God.  This will cause us to be different from most of our peers.  It's that difference that identifies us as God's people and makes us a witness for Him to "the world".

Maintain A Godly Worldly View 14:1-2
Cutting of self sounds a lot like 1 Kings 18:28.  The bald spot on the head may be related to Jeremiah 16:6.  Bottom line?  Inflicting pain to show devotion is foreign to biblical principles or worship.  There are a lot of differences in the way that believers and unbelievers view life.  They include: looking out for #1, eat, drink, and be merry, the one that dies with the most wins for the unbeliever, etc.  For the believer it is live life in the light of eternity, death isn't the end, lose life to gain it, love enemies, etc.

Choose a Clean Lifestyle: 14:9-11, 19-21
What do you think was the  purpose of God's people keeping a diet different than that of the culture around them?  It was because some of the foods had health risks, and also simply because God said so!  In what ways does God call His people today to be holy and distinctive. We are to be the light and salt of the world.
Exhibit Consistent Stewardship 14:22-23 
One reason God wants His people to give of our resources to Him as a form of worship is to maintain a healthy fear of Him.  How does the way we use our money indicate the condition of our relation ship with God?  How does one determine where to give when there are more needs than one could possibly meet?

Conclusion: In a secular environment, what would others notice as being different about me?  My answer to this question will help me determine where I am in my relationship with God.

Easter Eggstravaganza right around the corner on March 31st.  Some of the class are volunteering to man a  game booth that day.  Come join us, or consider volunteering in some other way.  A sign-up sheet is in the SPOT folder!


  • 3/18 LaRowe
  • 3/25 Phillips

                                                           Prayer Requests

  • Ed's wife Pam says thanks for our prayers.  She felt good last week.
  • Ed Stanfield asks us to pray for his little girl Amber.  She is struggling with guilt of the death of her mother.  She feels responsible.
  • Pray for Ed also, as he lost his job.



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