Thursday, April 19, 2012

The Mid-Week Update

Lesson Recap

Philippians 1:1-11
Link Up With Others

Intro to Philippians:  Philippi is a city is Macedonia.  Macedonia is located north of Greece.  It is a rich tract of land centered on the plains of the gulf of Thessalonica  and is famous for its timber and precious metal.  Its kings dominated Greek affairs from the 4th century BC.  Subsequently its federations of republics were incorporated into a Roman province with a proconsul at Thessalonica.  After his vision of a man of Macedonia (Acts 16:9), Paul began to take advantage of his high social status and spread the good news throughout the region.

     The letter is broken down as follows:
  • Greetings (1:1-2)
  • Thanksgiving and prayer (1:3-11)
  • Paul's ambition and joy (1:12-26)
  • Exhortation and example (1:27-2:18)
  • Anticipated future plans (2:19-30)
  • Digression about false teachers (3)
  • Encouragements, appreciations, and greetings (4)
     The church was founded during Paul's second missionary journey (Acts 16:12ff).  The letter was written while Paul was in prison.  It is debated which of Paul's three imprisonments the letter was written.  Paul had several aims when he wrote Philippians.
  1. His primary purpose was to prevent division in the church.  A disagreement between two members threatened the church's unity.
  2. He wanted to inform the church that he was doing well, in fact, even in prison he was advancing the gospel.  
  3. He desired to warn against the teachings of some legalistic Jewish Christians.
  4. He needed to correct some Christians who were claiming spiritual perfection.
  5. He wished to thank church members for their gift.
Intro to Lesson
   Support can mean different things to different people:
  • To a parent of a teenager/college student it can mean monetary support.
  • To a painter on a ladder it can mean physical help, as in the holding of the ladder.
  • To a friend with a physical ailment it can mean emotional support.
  • A marathon runner can get support from motivation by others.
     Support can mean different things at different times based upon our stage in life.  Most of us have provided support to others and/or been supported by others.

Get Started 1-2
  The letter is addressed to  all saints (Christians), overseers & deacons (leaders).  Here Paul passes the blessing of grace and peace to them.  What is grace?  What is peace?  Where does a believer obtain grace and peace? (See v2)

Be Involved Now 3-6
Paul felt grateful to the Philippians for their financial support, and he felt thankful for their involvement with his ministry from start to finish.  What does it mean to partner with someone?  How can you and I partner with others to spread the gospel?  How would you explain verse 6 to your teen?  What does it mean to you?

Assist in Various Ways 7-8
The Philippians were faithful supporters of Paul.  He received financial and emotional support from them.  These believers also joined Paul in spreading the good news to the Gentiles.  Paul was honored to partner with them in the work of spreading the gospel.  What does it mean to share the gospel with someone?  In what ways can you and I assist in sharing the gospel?

Stay With It 9-11
  In his prayer, Paul request love, knowledge, insight, discernment, and purity on behalf of the Philippian believers.  Think of the difference between a child's and adult's attitude and motivation to stick with a task or long-term commitment.  Paul commended the church in Philippi for their growing maturity in Christ.  He encouraged them to stay with it.  What Steps can one take to help them be consistent with spiritual growth?

Conclusion:  What steps can I take to ensure I continue to grow in Christ?

Class Muny Visit

The poll on what Muny show the class should go and see this year is in the folder.  Vote early and often!  All dates listed are Saturday nights, and we will sit in the free seats!

Baseball Tickets

As mentioned previously here on the Blog, Brad Slinkard has reduced price Cardinal ticket for sale, and he is offering the special price to the SPOT class.  He sends along this message:

" I was not at church last Sunday, nor will I be there this Sunday as I will be in Minneapolis. I've received replies for tickets and I have those names saved in an email folder. As a reminder, they are $37.00 tickets in the Left Field Pavillion that I'm selling for $17.00 per ticket so that's more than 1/2 off. I can meet you in the lobby at church tonight or next Wednesday since I won't be at church this weekend or I can meet you in the lobby after Church service on Sunday April 29th. We always can just set a time and meet, too as the game isn't until June 16th. We'll make it happen. Enjoy your week!"

Here are the prior details:

 Brad Slinkard, once again, has plenty of tickets to the Cardinal's game on Saturday, June 16th at 1:15 for the Cardinals/Royals game. He is opening it up to the SPOT class again. Tickets are normally 32.00 for this game but getting them for only $17.00 so almost 1/2 off. Please see him at church or respond here (or call) and let me know if you'd like any. It's also Purina Pet day where you get a Dog bowl for your pet =)......

Brad Slinkard
 Quote of the Week
If our mission is centered on the cross, we will still address social and political concerns, but we will do so without concern for our own power an influence.-Russell D. Moore, Tempted and Tried, Crossway, 2011
  • 4/22 Perry
  • 4/29 Phillips
  • 5/6 Meinhardt
  • 5/13 Bradshaw
Prayer Requests
  • God found Karen's pearls for her that have been lost for at least 15 years.  Rusty gave them to her before they were married!
  • Mike Zimmer, who used to be a member here 7 years ago and was in Fine Arts, was here on Sunday.  Pray that he continues to stay clean and sober.
  • Zenobia's dad's level of cognition is declining.  Pray for transition needed, and for her mom.
  • J.T. got a job!  (Now Lesa needs one.)


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