Thursday, May 17, 2012

The Mid-Week Update

Lesson Recap

Philippians 3: 1-21
Look Up To Heaven

Recap:  The Lives of the early Christians were being observed.  Paul encouraged his friends to make their salvation evident in their daily living.

In This Lesson:   We are encouraged to look at the things of the world from heaven's point of view.

Intro:  Three men of wealth and prestige hear of an island in the remote part of the Pacific Ocean.  This island has many inhabitants but no Christian influence.  It is reported the people of this island practice a religion centered around cannibalism.  These three men decide God is calling them to go and share the good news with the people on this island.  They go.  They are welcomed, befriended, and treated well.  They even begin to start making friends and learning the language.  One day without any warning, the three men are captured, bound, and placed in a large pot of boiling water.  Guess what's on the menu for supper that day?  Word gets back to the states of this occurrence.  All the friends, family and church family are horrified.

Why would God allow such a thing to happen?

Paul's past
The accountant. 
 In these verses Paul sounds like an accountant.  "I count" is a key phrase.  Paul states his losses but what are his new values?  What does it appear Paul meant in v8 by "everything...a loss"?  In v10 Paul states he wants to know Christ.  How can we know Christ better?

Paul's present
the athlete
What does Paul sound like in these verses?  (see vv13-14)  "I press" is a key phrase.
What sense of vigor do we see in Paul?  What efforts did Paul describe toward reaching his goal?  Think of your life.  What is your prize?  For Paul, it was Christ likeness.

Paul's future
the alien
Why does Paul consider himself an alien?  "I look" is a key phrase.  What vision does Paul project?

Do you think Paul was being arrogant when he said the Philippians should imitate him?  What is the value of being an accountability partner?  In v18 Paul refers to enemies of the cross.  He might be referring to some Jewish Christian teachers, unsaved people, or professing Christians with shameful pagan lifestyles.  Whoever Paul was referring to they were enemies of the cross because their lifestyles contradicted their professed commitment to Christ.

Look at the lives of Job, Ruth, and Queen Esther.  What can we learn from their positive examples?

Conclusion:  Your teen comes to you one day and announces he/she feels that God is leading him/her to go and share the gospel with a people group on an island in the remote part of the Pacific Ocean.  There are a few other friends that feel the same.  They plan to go after they finish college.  What do you say?

Oh.  And our true story above?  One of the slain men's wife went went a few years later to the same island that her husband was killed on.  As a result , she lead the tribal leader to Christ and the rest of the islanders followed.

Quote of the Week
“Live near to God, and so all things will appear to you little in comparison with eternal realities.” -Robert Murray M'Cheyne

  • 5/20 Stubbs
  • 6/03 LaRowe
  • 6/10 Hurt

Prayer Requests

  • Brock will be home next week with his wife.  Pray for safe travel and a good visit. 
  • JT's back!
  • Brock and Kristi are preparing to move back next year and start a new church on the Loop.
  • Kevin is having a few neurological issues. Pray for guidance for the doctors and patience all around.
  • Lesa's job search
  • Jim's strife at work (problems).  

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