Wednesday, July 11, 2012

The Mid-Week Update

Many thanks to Rusty for stepping into the guest's chair for this weeks lesson!!

Lesson Recap

Be Forgiving
The whole long book of Philemon

What does it mean to forgive?  Is it always appropriate to forgive?  What are the benefits of and/or who benefits from forgiving?

Fellowship: Expressed in Love  vv 1-7
What words did Paul use to characterize his association to Philemon?  He did so because he was a dear friend and fellow worker.  Why is this important?

Forgiveness: Expressed from Love vv 8-13
Oneisimus appears to have been a runaway slave.  Paul uses  carefully selected  words to "set the stage" with Philemon.  Onesimus was "once useless" to him, but now Paul states that he is 'very useful to you and me".  Paul's approach here was very diplomatic, along with being truthful and upfront.

Forgiveness: Expressed as Love vv14-16
Here Paul asks Philemon to receive Onesimus without being forced to.  Paul is not Telling Philemon what to do, but only suggesting.  He states that Onesimus was once a slave, but is now a dear brother.  He is now free and equal.

Forgiveness: Expressed in Fellowship vv 17-22
Paul asks that Onesimus be welcaomed as if he was Paul himself. Paul wanted Philemon to receive Oneisimus unconditionally.  Paul offered that he would pay off Onesimus' debts...and then some.  Paul is confident that Philemon will do so.  Paul then lets him know that he himself will be coming soon.

Conclusion: Being willing to forgive might open doors and lead to greater things.

Quote of the Week

“Jesus came not because things in your life need to change, but because things in your heart need to change and for that he died.” –Paul Tripp


  • 7/15 Stanfield
  • 7/22 Stubbs
  • 7/29 Phillips
  • 8/5 Bradshaw
Prayer Requests

  • Hailey Gills' (one of Susan's volleyball players and usually a helper at VBS) dad underwent his fouth surgery in three weeks for esophageal cancer last Monday morning
  • Ed Stanfield had his yearly battery of test to determine if is cancer is completely gone.
  • Kevin is still having fun with shingles.

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