Thursday, December 20, 2012

The Mid-Week Update

Class Celebration
This Sunday class will be a tad different.  Don will have abbreviated versions of both the Advent lesson, and the regular lesson.  The rest of the class time will be spent in fellowship and Christmas celebration.  So bring a snack, drink...whatever...just be there!  Punch and coffee will be available.
Quote of the Week
"Relying on God has to start all over every day, as if nothing has yet been done." - C.S. Lewis
  • 12/23 Everyone!
  • 12/30 No class
  • 1/6/13 LaRowe
  • 1/13 Hurt
Prayer Requests

  • Pray for Lori's dad, who was put in St. Anthony's with fluid on the lung and the flu.
  • Continued healing for JT and his shoulder
  • Ed's surgery was yesterday.  Pray for quick healing and pain relief.
  • Pam Stanfield's back is getting worse after seeing a chiropractor.  Still need to find the right doctor.
  • For Christmas travel safety for all
  • Don and Lori are grandparents! Little Brett and Rebecca are doing fine.

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