Wednesday, July 14, 2010

The Mid-Week Update

Since I wasn't even close to Sunday this time, we now have a mid-week update!

Lesson Recap (sort of!)

This week, as part of our Adult Bible Story study, Kevin led us in an abbreviated (!) lesson that looked at Moses.  We looked at his path to leadership, and the fact that he felt inadequate to lead. This led us to look at times we feel inadequate in our walk with God.


As mentioned many times before, the SPOT class will be headed toward the free seats for a showing at the Muny of "Footloose".  The date is Saturday, August7th.  Plan to join us for an evening under the stars!

Prayer Requests

  • Rusty has asked for prayer for a new job (praise). Also lots of stress coming up to speed (prayer).  He doesn't want to lose focus on what's important.
  • Mike Tamennega (friend of the Meinhardts) and his heart problems 
  • For getting ready to send young adults to college or back to college.
  • For Lesa's job search.
  • For Connie Maloy and the death of her sister. 
    She had ALS and had a long, horrible time, but now is pain free and seeing Jesus!  Please keep Connie and her family in your prayers during this difficult time.

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