Friday, July 16, 2010

SPOTmail update...

Lesson Preview
I should have said, "Hope to see you Sunday (if you are not on vacation OR in the hospital) as I closed my lesson preparation last week.  Just goes to show that life really is a daily journey. 
I thank each of you for keeping our family in prayer as I went through this experience.  Thanks also goes to Kevin for covering for me.  I hear he concluded the lesson with time remaining.  That is a hard act to follow. 

Last week you discussed Moses in a lesson titled Follow the Leader.  This week we will look at Joshua.  The lesson title is Followed the Leader.  Be thinking of possible avenues we may take with that title. 

I look forward to being with you this Sunday, Lord willing, as we continue our series, Adult Rated Bible Stories.

Don't forget SPOTlunch this Sunday, July 18 at McAllister's Deli in South County at Lindbergh and Lemay Ferry roads.  Just head on over there after class breaks up Sunday.  A cool place to eat on a hot, hot day.  Don't miss it!!!

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