Thursday, November 11, 2010

SPOTmail Update!

Lesson Preview

     I was a member of a church, not Concord, where an older couple mentioned to me that they had never had an argument in almost 50 years of marriage.  My immediate thought was - have they ever talked to each other?  On a couple of occasions I have visited with engaged couples as they were preparing to get married.  One of the questions I like to ask is does the other person fight fair.  On a few occasions the reply has been, "I don't know - we have not had a fight or argument."  My reply has been, "Then do not get married until you do." 

     Relationships are fun and rewarding but they take work.  Any time you have two people,  you have two opinions and often times they differ.  This is fertile ground for conflict.  This week we continue our study on relationships.  Coming from 2 Corinthians 5:11-7:4, we will consider the Biblical formula for reconciliation in a fractured relationship. 



This week...Kay Massey!

Big Chill

We will be serving a chili dinner at Big Chill on March 19th!!  Be on the lookout for a donation envelope and a volunteer sign up sheet.  Please consider helping feed the kids with us!

Prayer Requests

  • Jim Meinhardt's MRI has shown a benign brain tumor.  His next step is to see a neurosurgeon.
  • For Zenobia and her battle with breast cancer.  She will see a medical oncologist today for a 2nd opinion.  Her doctor wants her to have surgery and treatment right away because the cancer in an aggressive type.
  • For the Christmas musical and all those involved.
  • Zenobia's uncle passed away.  She will travel to Houston for the funeral and to be with extended family.
  • Zenobia's search for another home care assistant for Ryan.  It is important that he/she be trustworthy and becomes a part of the family.

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