Tuesday, November 9, 2010

The Sunday Update on Tuesday!!!

Lesson Recap

The Sunday lesson was from 2 Corinthians 3:1-5:10.  This study teaches that we can still serve God faithfully even though dealing with a relationship that seems to be going nowhere.

Concerned or Confident? 3:1-18.
 We know that all believers are considered ministers, servants, and slaves (Lk 22:27, Mk 10:43, 2Cor 6:4, Eph 3:7 Col 1:25, 4:12)  In order for ministry to happen we must serve God faithfully and rely on Him completely to work in our relationships.  When we are in the middle of a conflict we must remain focused on God.  A frayed relationship may be beyond a persons ability to manage or even restore.  What actions can we take as we rely on God to work?

Depressed or Determined? 4:1-18.
 We see that Paul refused to give up on the Corinthians.  Even though there was opposition to him in Corinth, he had received both mercy and his ministry from God, and that was all the motivation he needed to keep going despite this opposition.  What actions can we take to avoid giving up on a relationship?  In verse 2, Paul, using "God as his witness" vowed that his actions had always been and open display of the truth.  In verses 15-18 you can see how Paul remained faithful to God despite suffering difficulties.  In verse 15 Paul refers to his life as a jar of clay, meaning he was bound to face suffering.  Paul's suffering for the Corinthians and others was because through his tribulations God's grace would be extended to and through more people.  Paul is resolute to not give up because of the daily personal renewal, and that God replace the temporal with the eternal.  We live by faith, so our task is to remain faithful.

Looking Down or Up? 5:1-10

Paul mentions "home in the body" and "away".  Paul never seemed to be concerned about his place of ministry, but rather the purpose.  His purpose in ministry was to please God.  Our ultimate home is heaven and there too we will serve God for eternity.  Paul knew this, and his message can be interpreted to say "no matter where I am, I see it as a ministry field."

Pain experienced in relationships can discourage us.  We may focus so much on problems that we become less committed in our relationship with Christ.  By persevering in faithfulness to Jesus, we will also strengthen our other relationships.

1) We can serve God faithfully in any relationship when we rely on Him to work through us.
2) We are serving God faithfully when we live by the truth of the gospel, and help others to understand that truth.
3) We serve God faithfully when we Concentrate our attention on the things that are most important...those that are eternal.
4)  Anticipating the future judgment of Christians by Jesus encourages us to serve God faithfully every day. 


Those that attended the SPOTnik on Sunday had an awesome time!  In addition to great weather, there was great food and fellowship.  Many thanks to Brooks and Ginger for getting this all together! 

Big Chill

Our class is going to serve one of the meals at CSM's Big Chill.  It is being held at the church this year, so they are looking for a few connection classes to serve. The dates for the Big Chill are March 18-20..so mark your calendar.  Details coming soon!

SPOT Christmas Party!!

The date of our annual Christmas party has been set!!!  It will be on the evening of Wednesday, December 22nd.  Watch this space for times and more details!!

Prayer Requests

  • Jim Meinhardt's MRI has shown a benign brain tumor.  His next step is to see a neurosurgeon.
  • Praise that Rich Conrad returned home on Monday!! 
  • For Zenobia and her battle with breast cancer.  She will see a medical oncologist today for a 2nd opinion.  Her doctor wants her to have surgery and treatment right away because the cancer in an aggressive type.
  • Chris Moniz had cancer surgery yesterday.
  • For the Christmas musical and all those involved.
  • Zenobia's uncle passed away.  She will travel to Houston for the funeral and to be with extended family.
  • Zenobia's search for another home care assistant for Ryan.  It is important that he/she be trustworthy and becomes a part of the family.

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