Wednesday, March 23, 2011

The Mid-Week Update!!!

Lesson Recap

Where's My Future Headed
2 Kings 18-20

Bible in Context: 
    From this point forward only the Southern Kingdom (Judah) remained.  A brief review of the Northern Kingdom's demise appears in 18:9-12, placed there most likely as a historical reminder that sets the stage for the Assyrian invasion of Judah during Hezekiah's reign.

Opposite Fates 18:1-12- Hezekiah became king of Judah six years prior to Israel's fall and exile.  Hezekiah and Hoshea, last king of Israel, went in opposite ways spiritually.  Hezekiah was a man of faith who attempted to govern Judah in line with God's covenant law.  The biblical writer commended Hezekiah's faith and unwavering devotion to the Lord.  Not so much with Hoshea.  He ruled over a people who persistently disobeyed the Lord.  That is why God allowed/caused Israel to be taken into captivity by the Assyrians.
Divine Deliverance 18:13-19:37- In Hezekiah's 14th year as king, Judah was invaded by Sennacherib, king of Assyria.  Hezekiah tried to avoind defeat and destruction by paying a heavy tribute to Sennacherib.  However, the king of Assyria demanded the total surrender of Jerusalem and it's people.  Encouraged by a prophetic message from Isaiah, Hezekiah prayed to the Lord for deliverance, and the Lord miraculously delivered the city.
Added Time 20:1-11- Suffering with a terminal illness, Hezekiah prayed for the Lord to remember his faithfulness. Through the prophet Isaiah, the Lord informed Hezekiah that 15 years would be added to his life.  The Lord confirmed the prophet's message with a miraculous sign.
Foolish Attitude 20:12-21- When the king of Babylon sent envoys and a gift to Hezekiah during his illness, Hezekiah foolishly responded by showing the envoys all the palace treasures.  Isaiah confronted the king about his inappropriate action and delivered a prophecy that Babylon would one day take the royal treasures along with the kings descendants into captivity.

Got to Have Hope 18:28; 19:5-9

Setting for 18:28-32- In the first part of chapter 18 the Bible writer portrayed Hezekiah as a profoundly faithful and successful king.  Not only did he keep the covenant and do what was right in terms of the law God gave to Moses, but he also strove to give Judah political and military independence. He ceased submitting to the Assyrians, and beat back the Phillistines.  In retaliation for Hezekiahs rebellion-the Assyrian king, Sennacherib, captured many of the forfeited cities.  Hezekiah tried to buy peace by paying tribute to Sennacherib.  In vv 17-18 we learn in Jerusalem officials from both kings met, and the king of Assyria made his demands known.  The Assyrian official questioned the wisdom of Hezekiahs rebellion and his alliance with Egypt, offered terms of peaceful resolution, insulted the Israelites military, and even claimed that the Lord, the God of the Israelites had sent him.  The fact that Rabshakeh (a title-not a name) spoke Hebrew showed that his goal was to add confusion and discouragement to the entire population, as well as to engage in official talks with Hezekiah.

Resist Temptations to Distrust 18:28-32
     Rabshakeh  wanted them to give up hope God could rescue them-, and to believe that Hezekiah was deceiving them and that if they surrendered they would prosper.  When and how are believers tempted to trust in people or things rather than God?  You are a Japanese believer living in Japan and severely affected by the recent devastation.  What implications does this point of study have for you?

Gain Strength From Other Believers 19:5-7
     To reassure the king's servants the first assured them that the words came from the Lord's heart-do not fear-God will deal with the Assyrian king.  Consider examples in your own life when other believers were a comfort to you.
Boldly Request God's Help 19:15-19
     Hezekiah asked God to listen, hear and open eyes, and to save His people from Assyria.  Hezekiahs request was not only for deliverance, but also that God would make Himself known to all the kingdoms of earth.  Vv 25-36 describes how God himself answered Hezekiah's prayer.  By making a bold request of God, Hezekias showed in confidence in God in the face of difficult circumstances.  How can you and I show our confidence in God's power through our prayers?  Remember a time when you have seen God's work in seemingly hopeless situations in your own life or the lives of others.  How does seeing past successes give one confidence in the future?  


    What word best describes how you feel about your future?  What are some uncertainties that affect your future?  God would have us trust in His saving power-resulting in a hopeful outlook.  What are some strategies we could use for relying on God's power?  Ideas include reading the Bible, regular prayer, and to seek advice from mature believers .  There are many more ideas.

Many parents of teens worry about the uncertainty of the future.  However, believers can have the firm assurance that their future lies securely in God's hands.

Personal Challenge:
     List some of the uncertainties that affect your future.  Next, pray, placing these uncertainties in God's hands!


We have several upcoming opportunity to help the ministry here at Concord. We have the upcoming on April 16th the Easter Egg-stavaganza, where they need people to help man game and craft booths, help with the Easter egg hunt, or supply a gift basket.  We also have a Spring Cleaning day on Saturday April 2nd.  Our class has been given the assignment to clean sconces and windows in the Atrium.  A hamburger and hot dog lunch will be provided.  Sign up sheets for both of these events are in the SPOT folder.  You are encouraged to sign up for one...or both!

Big Chill-i Supper

All those present last Saturday had a great time serving tons of chili.  We have received countless thanks from the kids for the dinner.  Here are a few photos of the serving line!

  • 3/27 Luther
  • 4/3 Meinhardt
  • 4/10 Decker
...will be this Sunday (27th) after class.  We will be dining at El Maguey's in Concord Plaza.  Come enjoy some fun and fellowship!  

Prayer Requests
  • Zenobia has asked for a prayer of thanks for the loving support for her and her kids.  She is also asking for prayers for muscle aches from the cancer medication.
  • For Lori Robbins as she continues with the pain and fatigue from shingles.
  • For the continuing search for a fine arts minister.
  • For Alan Decker as he is having ongoing child custody issue with his ex wife.
  • For Susan Hurt's mother, Marilyn, who is back in the hospital with what appears to be kidney issues.

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