Friday, March 18, 2011


Lesson Preview
We start a new unit of study this week titled "Where's My Future Headed?"  Isn't it a little bit funny:  as teens, we were asking that question, and now, as parents of teens, we continue to ask the same question.

We spend a lot of time thinking about, planning for, and working toward the future.  Yet none of us can say with certainty that we know where our future is headed.  The background material for this week is 2 Kings, chapters 18-20.  The lesson comes from the last part of chapter 18 and the first half of chapter 19.  I'm still working on a title. 

Look at 18:28-32.  Is it just me, or does this sound like something we would hear coming out of Libya today?  It is simply amazing -- the more things change, the more they stay the same. 

Pray for the teens this weekend.  Pray for the parents of the teens.  Times like this have great hope for positive things. 

See you Sunday,

Like to volunteer? Well, you can pick your poison!
We've got something for everyone on any weekend you're available!
Big Chill-i Dinner
Big Chill is this weekend (March 19), so be ready to help us serve a lot of kids on Saturday.  We'll open the kitchen at 4 p.m. to begin preparing the chili.  Dinner is served at 6 p.m., so make sure your goodies are at church by then, and, if you're helping to serve, you might want to be on hand by 5:30 p.m. at the latest.  Several of you have signed up to bring desserts -- don't forget we're feeding about 100 kids and a lot of them are teenage boys.  Need we say more?
Church Work Day
April 2 is a church-wide Spring Cleaning day.  We are volunteering as a class to tackle one of the many projects that day.  There's an entire punch-list of items, from cleaning up the landscaping to painting the halls.  A sign-up sheet will be in the SPOTfolder so we know how many will be helping.  Hamburgers and hot dogs will be provided for lunch.

It's time for Egg-stravaganza!  Can Easter be far behind?  It's the annual Easter party for our community on Saturday, April 16, 9 -11 a.m.  Volunteers are needed to help in this wonderful family ministry.  You can serve in a game room, help with crafts, hide eggs, supervise the chaotic hunt, or donate a gift basket.  As usual, the sign-up sheet is in the SPOTfolder . . . so join in and have some fun!


It's been nearly two years since SPOTlunch met at El Maguey's in Concord Plaza.  Just so you can plan ahead, we're headed there again on Sunday, March 27 (that's next week for those of you who don't have your Blackberry handy).  The Mexican cuisine here is more authentic than many, so you'll be in for a treat.  Don't miss it! 

  • 3/20    LaRowe
  • 3/27    Luther  
  • 4/3      Meinhardt
Prayer Requests

  • Zenobia's continued recovery
  • Thanksgiving that Kevin's sister's job was restored 
  • Concord's kids are blessed through Big Chill this weekend 
  • Ronda Bradshaw's stepbrother Michael's recovery from abcess surgery
  • Church staff dealing with pay cuts and restructuring
  • Joe & Patti Endejan's business

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