Thursday, June 9, 2011

The Mid-Week Update!!!

Lesson Recap

After a bit of catching up with everyone we jumped right into the lesson:

1st Thessalonians 4:1-12
Consider Where You Are Going
What Is Your Goal In Life?

     Carla and John, both believers, met in Iraq while serving in the U.S. Army.  They fell in love and planned to marry as soon as their tour of duty ended and they were back home.  Both completed their military obligations and received honorable discharges.
     As they returned to civilian life, they looked forward to not having to follow orders any more.  "It was OK while it lasted.  But from now on we are living by that great old song, 'I Did It My Way'!  We have accepted Jesus as our Savior.  Surely we deserve the satisfaction that comes from enjoying adult freedom.  Doesn't God want us to be happy?"  Do you agree with their outlook on life and why?
     The answer to this question is based on one's goals in life.  This was the topic of this lesson.  In the first half of Paul's letter he complimented the Thessalonians and reminded them of all he wanted for them, and what he had done on their behalf.  In this lesson Paul turns a corner and transitions to a practical application.

Principle to Follow 1-2
    We identify that Paul is making a transition here when he says in verse 1 'finally then'.  The principle that Paul is suggesting be followed is that our behavior either pleases God or it doesn't.  If this is a principle we desire to follow-how can we know what pleases God?
Purity to Practice 3-8
     Many believers want to know God's will in their life.  In these verses it is revealed that God's will is for us to be holy.  In some translations the word holy is translated as "sanctification".  Sanctification means personal holiness.  Here sexual purity is the requirement for sanctification implied by Paul.  This is not the only requirement for sanctification as seen in verse 2. In verse 4 "body" is translated as "vessel".  "Vessel" can refer to the reproductive organs or a man's wife.  Either or both apply to Paul's message.  There is a warning in verse 6-God will punish such sins.  Sexual purity is a big deal to God and it would do us well to get our theology regarding this from God's word.  It may even help our teens.  How can our teens maintain sexual purity in a society that ignores biblical standards?

Love to Exhibit 9-10a
     Paul states that it was not necessary for him to elaborate on brotherly love as this is one thing they were doing right-earlier in his letter Paul stated that word had already spread about the Thessalonians faith and love!  Why is God pleased when believers actively express love for one another?
Lifestyle to Have 10b-12
     These instructions wrap up Paul's thoughts before he moved on to a new topic in verse 13.  Here he covers four areas that, if neglected, could cause trouble in a believer's life, and thus the church.  Paul tells us how to avoid the issue:
  1. Apathy-do so more and more
  2. Restlessness-lead a quiet life
  3. Meddlesomeness-mind your own business
  4. Idleness-work with your hands
     Paul's goal for the church in Thessolonica was that they love each other more and more.   This goal covers all the other points that were made in this lesson.  Following are questions for consideration:
How can I grow in my love for God?
How can I grow in my love for my family?
How can I grow in love for my church?
How can I grow in my love for my unsaved family and friends?

Muny Show

The winning show has been chosen!  With a grand total of four votes, "Little Shop of Horrors" is the show that those in the class who are interested will go to see.  We will attend on Saturday, July 30th and sit in the free seats.  Bring a picnic dinner and join us in line!

Blood Drive

A blood drive is being held at Concord by the American Red Cross on Monday, June 13 from 3-7PM in the Atrium.  For an appointment call Rhonda Reimler at 636-464-6737 or visit (use Sponsor Code Concord Church).  Walk-ins are welcome but appointments take priority!


6/12  Decker
6/16  Meinhardt
6/26 Hurt

Prayer Requests
  • College kids finished spring semester (praise)
  • College kids are now at home (prayer)
  • Carolynn Amen's continued progress in rehab 
  • Keep praying for new Fine Arts Minister
  • Brooks/Ginger/Phil have 2 nieces beginning mission work this summer.  Melissa with Campus Crusade in Branson, and Kim in Swaziland.
  • Allen with ongoing child custody legal issues, and possible different job in the same company.


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